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two pictures next to one another

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two pictures next to one another

Sun Aug 06, 2017 7:48 am
I am on Ubuntu 16.04 . I am only doing simple things. I used to use Xara Xtreme, not supported anymore.
Xara worked with layers too I guess but it was not noticable. I have tried all sorts of replacements but for the love of god I cannot get the hang of it.
Here is how I did it in Xara. I opened a new predefined page, made a big square and then imported a picture,. The picture laid on top of window/ layer one, both visible.
I clicked on the picture. Now there were handles just like on any window, to minimize(maximize.. Next picture , same thing, it could be resized or moved just by grabbing handles..
Click on the T, and I could write text anywhere, no text boxes.
I give you an example of what I want to do.
1 square grey. Within the square. picture1.jpg and picture2.jpg, rezied to fit and so they give a small field of the grey bottom field left over.
Text in the grey field, "krita is just as good.."
I bought an old Xara hoping to be able to install with wine, but does not work, says it needs IE5.
This Layer business gives me a severe headache. I tried several similar to Krita but do not understand how to do.
Please I hope someone can help me.
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Hi larsroth,
larsroth wrote:I clicked on the picture. Now there were handles just like on any window, to minimize(maximize.. Next picture , same thing, it could be resized or moved just by grabbing handles

I do "Ctrl + T" to enable the handles and manually resize an image / layer / selection. It should be possible to compute transfomations by using the "Tool Options" panel also, when the Transform tool is selected.
larsroth wrote:Click on the T, and I could write text anywhere, no text boxes.

The Text tool is going to be replaced soon with a new improved one. To write text "anywhere" I'd use the Text tool, mode Artistic, and do leftMouseButton+Drag over canvas. It creates a line that can then be edited. Multiline text is for wrapping lines. (Main menu > Configure Krita > Keyboard Shortcuts, to assign a shortcut).
larsroth wrote:This Layer business gives me a severe headache.

In case, here is a link to the Krita Documentation, which I've found very useful when I needed to grasp concepts like layers, masks and so on: ... _and_Masks

Hope it helps


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