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Can't arrange algin left, right, center etc leyer

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Maby stupid question , but i cant arange imge on tool options (center, left, right etc.)
I'm new in krita, before i use gimp, and now i want to change gimp to krita

I make a new layer (ctrl + n ), then i opened a image in .png (ctrl + 0) - image opened normaly ,
then i'm copy imge layer and paste into my new layer.

now i have two layers (background and pasted image)
i need to arrange image left , or center of background layer !
booth layers are paiting layers

Registered Member
Hi tdsdima,
tdsdima wrote:i need to arrange image left , or center of background layer

It's not trivial for me... however here is my process.
Basically, it uses the Transform tool to: first, snap the corner of the image to a point (guides) and then, adjust the scale back to 100%.
I'm using Krita 4.0.0 pre-alpha but it should work with Krita 3 as well.

  1. main menu > "View" > "Show rulers"
  2. create a couple of perpendicular guides (click and drag from the rulers to the canvas)
  3. main menu > "View" > "Snap To" > "Snap to Guides" (I'd uncheck the other options, for clarity)
  4. main menu > "View" > "Lock Guides" (it's to avoid moving the guides when the cursor is around)
  5. Click over the first image layer (Layers docker) to activate it
  6. Ctrl+T to switch to the "Transform tool"
  7. move any corner of the image bounding box to the guides intersection point (the cursor should snap on it)
  8. by keeping an eye at the values in "Tool Options" docker > Free transform tab > Scale width/height textfields
  9. just move the middle handles of the bounding box until the image width and height are set to 100%
  10. click Apply to exit, and repeat.

- Krita Documentation:
- Snapping video tutorial:


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