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Importing vector files

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Importing vector files

Fri Aug 25, 2017 10:44 pm
First, let me clarify that I'm trying to use Krita as a workaround to Inkscape not having CMYK support. I'm just trying to make business cards, so I wanted to import the .svg file into Krita to save it as CMYK so I can print my cards and retain color- is that even a good idea? If you know a better way to go about this, I'd appreciate some help. I have installed a CMYK color profile to Inkscape, but it doesn't really help the printing issues.

Secondly, I noticed that the Add Shape docker doesn't have the Add Vector option that I've seen in many tutorials. Not sure why this is, I even reinstalled the program to make sure I had a current version. I have the options to add the program vectors, simple shapes and such, but I don't have the option to import one of my own designs.

Thanks very much for your time,
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Re: Importing vector files

Fri Aug 25, 2017 10:52 pm
The stable version (v 3.2) of Krita does not support SVG. We do have a pre-alpha build of Krita 4.0 that supports SVG, but it is pretty unstable with vector stuff. The text tool is also quite broken right now in 4.0 if you are wanting to do that. That needs quite a bit of work as well -- thus why Krita 4.0 is in pre-alpha. In a year from now Krita should be able to handle some basic stuff like that, but right now it is in a delicate state when it comes to SVG.
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Re: Importing vector files

Fri Aug 25, 2017 10:57 pm
scottpetrovic wrote:The stable version (v 3.2) of Krita does not support SVG. We do have a pre-alpha build of Krita 4.0 that supports SVG, but it is pretty unstable with vector stuff. The text tool is also quite broken right now in 4.0 if you are wanting to do that. That needs quite a bit of work as well -- thus why Krita 4.0 is in pre-alpha. In a year from now Krita should be able to handle some basic stuff like that, but right now it is in a delicate state when it comes to SVG.

Ok, so basically at the moment my best bet is to alter the colors to print decently. Thanks for answering my questions


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