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Cursor offset

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Cursor offset

Mon Sep 25, 2017 6:39 am
I have a 2x2560*1440 27" two-screen Windows 10 system, i7 920@3.6ghz, GTX 1080, 48gb RAM, Intuos Pro 4 Large, PCI-card based SSD Raid for the OS and Krita. I draw with the Intuos mapped to one screen.

When I draw in Krita with a 5~10px brush, I get a small offset between the cursor and where the line actually draws. When I speed up, the offset increases. When I zoom out to show the entire canvas (7016x4961) and draw quick lines, the lag becomes so overpowering that Krita can hardly keep up. I turn off any stroke stabilizer - still the offset is present. The faster I draw, the greater the offset becomes. At very slow drawing speeds the offset is negligible or non-existent.

I tried to manually set the resolution (shift key), but to no avail. Instant preview doesn't help either. Zoomed out it does respond quicker, but hese are just thin lines I am drawing: max 12px.

When I draw either in ClipStudio or TVPaint, no cursor offset - no matter how fast or slow I draw. When I draw with the mouse in Krita, no offset.

I also experience the same offset in OpenToonz, which tells me it is probably a Windows issue. But this is starting to become frustrating !

How do I get rid of that cursor offset? It is ruining my drawing experience in Krita. I am running the latest version.

Please help. I am getting a bit desperate, and I have Googled this, but found no working solutions so far.
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Re: Cursor offset

Tue Sep 26, 2017 3:59 pm
I have an offset cursor and everything in the toolbar and docks is kinda fuzzy and offset. I never had this problem did you fix yours?
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Re: Cursor offset

Wed Sep 27, 2017 12:15 am
No. It also occurs in Photoshop. But not in ClipStudio or TV Paint - I checked. [edit - it happens in TVPaint too.

It's as if you are drawing on paper, but the actual point of the pencil is slightly ahead of the stroke, and I can really tell the difference when drawing in Krita or in ClipStudio. In short, ClipStudio and TVPaint 'feel' much more direct. And it affects my drawing in Krita in a negative way - my lines are cleaner and more controlled in ClipStudio. And yes, I turned off the stroke stabilization in ClipStudio.

It's frustrating. And no answers to this problem, it seems.

Since I read somewhere a dual screen setup might interfere, I decided to unplug one of the screens. Still, no change. The offset while drawing is still there.
I WANT to keep drawing in Krita, but ClipStudio doesn't have this infuriating offset.

:( :'(
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Re: Cursor offset

Wed Sep 27, 2017 7:03 am
If some applications have the problem and others don't then it is mostly likely that some applications use one way of getting tablet events, and the others another way. And that the driver is misconfigured in the first case, and not in the second case. So, what you can do is try the latest Krita release candidate: ... candidate/ and check whether switching from wintab to Windows Ink makes a difference.

But even if that is the case, your system is still misconfigured.
Registered Member

Re: Cursor offset

Wed Sep 27, 2017 7:44 am
All other applications, except ClipStudio, have the same behaviour. On the BlenderArtists forum someone suggested that ClipStudio might simply just turn off the mouse cursor - and I believe that may be the difference.

When I turn off the mouse cursor I am no longer distracted by it.

Switching to Windows Ink in the latest version did not result in any difference, btw.

I am planning to test on other machines. When using the mouse there is no lag between the mouse cursor and actual stroke drawing, strangely enough. May be the Wacom data filtering.
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Re: Cursor offset

Wed Sep 27, 2017 11:16 pm
My problem is only in Krita. I can go on to anything else and everything is perfect. I got a error message from Krita telling me to update my Graphics driver. Maybe try doing that? I am downloading the latest driver fr me.


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