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I noticed that Krita draws a stamp only if I move (or release) stylus/mouse.
If only touched the tablet with a stylus (but NOT moved it yet) Krita draws nothing. Same with the mouse, drawing just on the monitor, without even using a tablet... So if I want to draw only a single dot (single stamp) I feel some kind of a lag. This behavior occurs in both Normal and Eraser modes when using brushes. This is inconvenient, it feels like Krita is not very responsive. I don't have this problem with other graphics editors (for example Manga Studio). Is there any way to fix it ? Please, help! ![]() |
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
a) What brand of tablet, what OS and which version of Krita are you using?
b) Which brush preset are you using? Some brush engines, notably the sketch engine, can only draw when there are at least two points, i.e., a bit of distance. The default, pixel brush does draw a single dot as soon as you touch the canvas. |
![]() Registered Member ![]()
Tablet: Wacom Cintiq 13HD OS: Windows 8.1 Krita: 3.2.1
Preset: Basic_tip_default But it looks like all presets behave this way. Including presets of the "Pixel" brush engine. |
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
Strange, that works fine on my msp; could be a windows or wacom settings problem of course...
![]() Registered Member ![]()
But there is the same behavior with the mouse and monitor. I mean, it the same without even a usage of a tablet and stylus. |
![]() Registered Member ![]()
I think I may see what you mean, although it seems odd that Boudewijn wasn't able to reproduce it.
If you left-click on the canvas, the stamp won't appear until the either the mouse button has been released or the mouse has moved. (I only tested using the mouse.) As far as I'm aware, there are no options that change this behavior. |
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
Ah, of course... It's either move or release, until that point nothing has happened.
![]() Registered Member ![]()
Is it works this way intentionally ? Do you plan to change that ? Because it feels unnatural... As far as I know other graphics editors don't work this way, their reaction is always instant. And with a mouse it is not that big problem. The real problem is with a stylus. Consider a "dotted" style of drawing with a stylus - so I put small dots on a canvas. And I do it slowly - I touch tablet with a stylus, wait for the mark appearance, look at the mark (checking it's size or texture) and then decide to release or move the stylus further... As far as tablet is very sensitive, and human hand is a little shaky, there will be (sometimes!) a little motion of the stylus and, as a result, a mark. But only sometimes! Another times these touches could be very "precise" without any motion at all and mark will not appear. And also, sometimes, there will be something in between - so the mark will appear but not instantly, with a little delay (due to casual delayed hand shake), in about a half of a second, for example... This all can be very frustrating... |
![]() Registered Member ![]()
Just got the same bug too.
Windows 10, Krita 3.3.2, Wacom One with driver version 6.3.29-3. I'm using Basic_circle now (but could't find any preset withot that bug) and simple touch can't left any mark on picture, no matter how hard I press the stylus. Only when I move stylus, line appears on the picture. I've tried to change pressure curve in both Krita and tablet driver, but nothing changed. Anyway, Krita is able to register any touch, so it appears in History tab, although in fact nothing has been done with picture itself. SAI 2 don't have that problem (or at least I can't reptoduce it). |
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