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Help with rendering animations

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Help with rendering animations

Sat Oct 28, 2017 2:38 am
Hey there! I've been trying to use krita as a platform for rendering animations directly into an mp4 format. To do this, on the website it says to download a file called ffempg and put that in the designated area when rendering in Krita. I've tried multiple different variations of this ffmepg file, but non of them work. Individual frames export fine, it's just that they will not be made into a watchable mp4 format. They do create a watchable windows file, but it is less than a quarter of a second long and completely black. How can I fix this? I've already tried earlier versions of said ffmpeg file, up to jan 2017. Should I try even earlier?
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Re: Help with rendering animations

Sat Nov 18, 2017 5:11 am
I had a similar problem too. I moved the ffmpeg file to a different directory (I placed it inside the krita folder under \Krita (x64)\custom) and then linked it when rendering an animation. Don't know why, but that solved the problem.


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