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Huion Kamvas GT-191

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Huion Kamvas GT-191

Wed Nov 29, 2017 5:00 am
I just bought a Huion Kamvas GT-191. Pressure sensitivity doesn't work. I look online and find out that Krita supports Huion tablets, just not that one. I found a link for drivers for Linux, but I have windows 10. Maybe they'll work with Windows anyway, but there was no information on how to install them on a non linux system. If someone could tell me how to get my tablet running properly, how to install those makeshift drivers on windows, or when Krita and/or Huion plans on fixing this bug I would be greatly appreciative.
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Re: Huion Kamvas GT-191

Wed Nov 29, 2017 6:08 am
By default Huion has more support for Windows than for Linux, (and drivers are not compatible) Krita doesn't deal with the drivers by the way, for that you need to go the actual Huion website and download it along the instructions, here is the link for your model ... t-191.html , in the bottom section where it says Download, click on the windows logo. For the most part Huion recommends to properly install their drivers before connecting the tablet. Assistance and support links are also in the same website. Unfortunately still this doesn't guarantee that Krita will work with it.

@scottpetrovic @boudewijn
The "List of Tablets Supported" page on the manual has this missplaced information that may confuse people like the OP in this case, the list clearly specify support on "Windows" only, but the link provided on this specific model Huion Kamvas GT-191is for the Linux driver.

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