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Animation question > new frame on every blank frame?

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I am using the Timeline to animate a simple animation. And I find myself clicking the 'New Frame' button a lot.
For example, when I am animating a bouncing ball,
currently, it's a 3 step process.
1) draw a ball#1 on frame#1
2) go to frame 2 by (pressing the right arrow key)
3) click the 'New Frame' icon (or press shortcut key) then draw ball#2 on frame#2
So I have to press New Frame button every time I go to a new frame. otherwise, I am drawing on top of the previous drawing,
Ball#1 on frame#1
Ball#1&2 on frame#2
Ball#1&2&3 on frame#3 and so on...
which is not desirable when you are animating.

So I was wondering if there is a preference setting or toggle switch to make it a 2 step process.
1) draw a ball on frame 1
2) go to frame 2 by (pressing the right arrow key) and as soon as I start drawing a new empty frame gets created.
Ball#1 on frame#1
Ball#2 on frame#2
Ball#3 on frame#3
by default without pressing 'New Frame' key each time.

Hope you understand what I am talking about. If you don't please let me know. So I can clarify myself.
Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you so much!!
Registered Member
Hi! While I don't have an exact answer since I'm new to animation too, I do believe the answer might lie in the onion skin function. Near it on the screen lies an "automatic frame" button which tells it to create a new frame everytime you start drawing on an empty one .


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