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Huion KAMVAS GT-191 - Glitchy black rectangle below cursor

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This only occurs on the Huion tablet's screen. If I select the "Brush" tool, the circular cursor has a glitchy black rectangle right below it. It's distracting and takes up enough space to make it hard to see right below the cursor.

This happens on and off of the OpenGL settings and even if I disable the cursor shape entirely.

Windows 10 64-Bit
Nvidia Geforce GTX 970
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KDE Developer
I've heard of that before, and I seem to remember that it was a kind of Windows accessibility feature, but I have forgotten what, exactly.
Registered Member
Thank you for your help. You are right in a sort of technical way. It was for people that had a hard time seeing small text and icons, but not listed in the "accessibility options" control panel window that I could see.

It was the DPI scaling of the desktop of the main monitor being more than the DPI scaling of the tablet.

It can be changed by Right Clicking on the empty desktop -> Display Settings and modifying the "Change the size of text, apps, and other items" drop down box to be the same number on both monitors.

However, you can cheat this if you really need the main monitor's higher DPI. Temporarily set the main monitor's DPI to be the same as the tablet's and then launch Krita. After you make the first brush stroke in Krita, you can then set the main monitor's DPI back to its original value.

Set both monitors to same DPI->
Open Krita->
Make first brush stroke->
Set main monitor DPI back to normal

I experimented with this in every way I could think of to see all of the various effects the settings had, but I believe this should be enough to at least fix the issue for anyone else.

To boudewijn, I don't know if by KDE Developer it means whether or not you do coding work on Krita, but in case you do, this seems to happen as soon as I make the first brush stroke, the moment the cursor changes from the white arrow to the little area representing the width and shape of the stroke. At some point where it gets the new graphic for the icon is where the DPI scaling breaks it, and then remains in whatever shape it's in even after changing the DPI settings afterwards so maybe when it's loaded into memory?

I don't know how useful that is as a bug report. Just trying to be thorough.


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