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Missing Toolbar

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Missing Toolbar

Sun Dec 31, 2017 1:26 am
The toolbar that should run down the left hand side of the screen is gone and I don't know how to get it back. I need one of the tools on there and I can't seem to find it anywhere, it's the transform tool so I can enlarge one specific piece of my drawing. Can anyone help? Thank you! ;D
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Re: Missing Toolbar

Sun Dec 31, 2017 5:15 am
On the top menu bar, try Settings -> Dockers and then tick the 'Toolbox' checkbox. That should bring it back if you've somehow closed it.

On dual/multi screen monitors, it's possible to float a docker and drag it to another screen so that it can get obscured by another application window, which is something to bear in mind if you have dual/multi screen monitors.

Also, pressing the Tab key will toggle all dockers and the control icons (under the main menu bar) on/off. This is obvious when it happens.

On the far right of the control icons bar, you'll find the 'Choose Workspace' icon. This gives you a drop-down list of available 'Workspaces', including the 'Default' workspace. These are preset arrangements for docker visibility and placement. If you set up dockers to your personal requirements and preferences, you can save this arrangement as a named Workspace by using the 'Save' option there. Then, if you somehow lose or mess up a docker arrangement, you can return to what you want, or any of the preset arrangements, by choosing that named Workspace. Just play with them to learn how to use this facility.


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