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Krita impossible to use on Mac.

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Krita impossible to use on Mac.

Mon Jan 08, 2018 2:22 am
After reading a lot of amazing I downloaded and installed Krita hoping that It would be as good as people say. In my case it isn't.

First of all I would like to say that my PC is a MacBook Pro 2017 15'' (i7 and Radeon 560), not as good as my desktop PC but it isn't that bad.

Even so Krita's brushes lags like hell. I tried checking instant preview (helped a bit), I tried unchecking stabilizer(I couldn't find it) and I tried checking Canvas Graphics Acceleration but the program doesn't let me.

So, what should I do? There is something that I'm missing, I should install any OpenGL drivers or something like that? (my Wacom Intuos Art drivers are up to date and my macbook is also updated).

Thank you for your help and pardon my English
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KDE Developer

Re: Krita impossible to use on Mac.

Mon Jan 08, 2018 10:58 am
There's a bug in the Radeon drivers that prevents Krita from saving to png or jpg, so we disabled opengl when we detect Krita is running with the radeon card active. We worked around that issue in the upcoming 4.0 release. You can test a development build already: There will also be a new build this week.

If you cannot find the stabilizer option, I suggest you check the manual:


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