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resource bundle does not show in brushpresets

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Hi, i downloaded resource brushes and i wonder why i cant see them in the brush presets. Sadly i dont see an option for attaching a screenshot. Clickink the active red square for active bundle get me a window that says brushes and clicking there i can see the resource brushes but selecting a brush from this window does not paint with that brush, In brush presets all these brushes dont appear either. So i wonder what i did wrong?
Is there penpressur for wacom intuos 4 and pen rotation? I seem to get even lines, no thin to thick.
I hope you can help me, thanks, Marion
Registered Member
Hi Marion,
marion666 wrote:i wonder why i cant see them in the brush presets

  • try by going to: "Settings" → "Dockers" → "Brush Presets"
  • click on the drop-down menu at the top of the docker + scroll and select the "All" item
hopefully, you should be able to select and use the imported brushes.

PS. on loading brushes: ... _Interface
PS. on the "Manage Resources" dialog: ... _Resources
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marion666 wrote:Hi, i downloaded resource brushes and i wonder why i cant see them in the brush presets. Sadly i dont see an option for attaching a screenshot. Clickink the active red square for active bundle get me a window that says brushes and clicking there i can see the resource brushes but selecting a brush from this window does not paint with that brush, In brush presets all these brushes dont appear either. So i wonder what i did wrong?
Is there penpressur for wacom intuos 4 and pen rotation? I seem to get even lines, no thin to thick.
I hope you can help me, thanks, Marion

If the resource brushes are too old a version for the version of Krita you're running, that can happen, or if too many bundles etc have been added ... not sure if that setting has changed in more recent krita versions, but, on 3.2 or earlier, my own tagged folder didn't show on the menu, and when I removed a bundle, via manage resources, it showed up again.

Linux Mint Cinnamon 18.3
Radeon R9 255, Mesa 17.2.8, kernel 4.15.0-13
Lenovo erazer x310, intel quad i7-4790, 16 gig ram
Ugee 2150/Krita 4.1.0pre appimage
Registered Member
For the problem with your Wacom Intuos tablet/pen, it would be useful for you to say what Operating System and which version of Krita you are using. Also, have you recently got the Wacom tablet and have you made sure that you installed the latest drivers for it? In the Brush Presets docker, select the Basic_tip_default brush; this should give increasing width and opacity as you increase pressure when you draw. Does it? Does your tablet stylus pressure work properly with other graphics applications?

For your problem with the brushes you have tried to load, this can be complicated.
The title of your post says 'resource bundle does not show' but your post says 'I downloaded resource brushes'. There is a difference between downloaded 'Bundles' and downloaded 'Brushes'. To have something you can immediately use to paint with, you need a 'Bundle'. This 'bundle' contains the brush textures and also the brush preset settings to be used for painting. Where did you obtain this resource from?

From your post, I get the impression that you are looking in the Settings -> Manage Resources window and then opening up the list of 'Brushes' and 'Brush Presets' that is shown there. (I may be wrong so please correct me if I am.) You don't select brushes for painting from this window. To select brushes for painting you use the Brush Presets docker, as mvowada explained in reply.

I'd recommend that you download the 'deevad-v8-2' bundle because I know that this works and gives brush presets that you can use immediately:

Go to

Scroll down the page to the end of the collection of pictures to where it says, 'Download:'
Click the link that says '' to download the bundle to your computer.
Unzip/extract it to get a file called deevad-v8-2.bundle

In Krita, you then then use Settings -> Manage Resources to open the resource management window and then use the 'Import Bundle' button to import the deevad-v8-2.bundle file. That bundle should appear in the left hand list of active bundles. If you click on it, you should see that it has Brushes and Brush Presets included. It's a good idea to Quit and then restart Krita at this stage. Now, those deevad 'brushes' (actually brush presets) should appear in your Brush Presets docker (provided you have selected 'All' on the drop down list at the top of the Brush Prests Docker).

Please let us know if this works for you.
Registered Member
I am on windows 10 64 bit. The tablet and pen work fine in PS and painter..Wacomtablet is a few years old and using latestest driver. Krita version 3.3.3. Basic_tip_default brush does not give increasing width but does give increasing opacity.

First i downloaded bundle V6 but now i downloaded V8 from the link you sent me. I unzipped it on my desktop. Clicked import bundle and navigated to desktop but with desktop open and krita bundle selected nothing shows.... no bundle in the left window. The v6 bundle showed and i did try first opening it from that window but discovered later that it was in the brushpresets window. In the mean time i had so many bundles and didnt know how to delete them that i uninstalled Krita. Now i reinstalled it and have no bundles at all. But somehow V6 nor V8
will install. Is v6 the same as v8 only with more brushes added? :( :(
Registered Member
marion666 wrote:I unzipped it on my desktop

You don't have to unzip the bundle, just import the zip file from the "Manage Resource Bundles" window.
Registered Member
I suggested the V8 bundle because I have it myself and I know that it works so I suggest that you stay with that for now.

Also, please note the following statement from David Revoy's website regarding the V6 resource:

"This resources is outdated and unmaintained : it won't work with recent version of Krita.
Check the download category to find the most recent brushes. "

I find this strange because I've just succesfully imported the V6 bundle into Krita version 3.3.3 and used the brushes (brush presets) in it. However, it would be better if you stay with V8 until your problem is solved.

You said: "The v6 bundle showed and i did try first opening it from that window but discovered later that it was in the brushpresets window."
Do you mean that the V6 bundle was in the Resource Management window listing of Brush Preset contents, or do you mean that the V6 bundle contents were showing in the Brush Presets docker? There is a difference.

Now that you've reinstalled Krita, it would be a good idea to take screenshots and post them to one of the many image posting sites then give links to them in your posts here. This would help to make things clearer when you have a problem with a particular stage or task.

Krita does work, very well, for many people all over the world so your problem can be solved. Here are two screenshots I just made that may be useful to you as an illustration.
Registered Member

I hope this clearifies something....sorry, couldnt find a way to make text smaller and make artistic text disappear. It seems i cant select it like in ps or painter.
Registered Member
forgot to say that before install i had V6 showing in all brushes. It turned up when i clciked import bundle and installed fine. But after reinstall nothing shows with v6 or v8 clciking import bundle.
Registered Member
marion666 wrote: hope this clearifies something....sorry

You are looking for the bundles to import at the wrong location.
Go to your "Desktop" directory ("Bureaublad"), to see the bundles and import.

marion666 wrote:couldnt find a way to make text smaller and make artistic text disappear. It seems i cant select it like in ps or painter.

Please, note that text tools in Krita 3.x version are kind of broken and "have been replaced by a new text tool in Krita 4.0, which is now being made ready for release."
(To create and edit text in krita 3.x version, I'd rather use the "Tool Options > Multiline Text")

Useful links to start using Krita I found:,
Registered Member
(Edited to remove an error due to not looking properly and to add note about Wacom drivers.)

The initial size of the text depends on the size of the rectangle that you first draw using the Text Tool. (I realise that this is confusing.) Try initially drawing a small rectangle with the Text Tool cursor. After this, you will then be in text editing mode, as indicated by the icon in the Toolbox. You can select text by highlighting it.

To modify the font/size of the text, you need the Tool Options docker to be open. You seem to have put this on a tab next to your Palette docker.

As mvowada has said, the text tools are being updated and hopefully they will be better in a later version.

I recently had a problem with pen pressure in krita (and other graphics applications) in Windows 10. This was due to a driver update and I suspect it was because of changes to the Windows Ink system. (Note, I ususally use Linux and rarely use Windows 10.) The only way I could fix this was to uninstall the drivers (not easy) and then reinstall them from the CD that originally came with the tablet. I suggest that you try to reinstall the Wacom tablet drivers.
Registered Member

Not sure what you mean, i thought this? I seem to have mad a new folder but thats empty. Very difficult to learn a new programm when your old!
Registered Member

Funny....basic tip default no penpressure, fill cirle does (black)
I cant highlight the text. I tried when the cursor looks like an arrow and as the flickering textcursor, i saw something on you tube. But highlighting? No sir. :'(
Registered Member
I can understand your frustration and you do seem to have encountered many problems at the same time.

I suggest that you forget about putting text on the image because you can type any information here in your posts.

I also suggest that you forget about Krita for at least 24 hours and give your mind time to relax. (I also have had frustrations learning new software and I find that this helps.)

I hope you can solve these problems, perhaps with the help of people here on this forum.
Registered Member
Can someone please explain step by step how to import stuff? Ive spent hours and hours on doing that but i dont understand how its working.
I tried import abr and put the brushes on my desktop and hey...clicking import ps brushes show up, however they dont import!
I would like to import some resources but they dont show up although they are unzipped and on my desktop just as the abr is.
And i cant find anything about saving on youtube or in help (maybe its there but i cant find it) I made a file on my desktop named Krita. But saving it to my desktop there is nothing. I cant even see the krita file.


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