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Pan with stylus not working

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Blood Raven
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Pan with stylus not working

Thu Feb 01, 2018 5:53 pm
Hey everyone!

I recently started using Krita and I'm very pleased with the program itself, but I've had a problem binding the pan funtion to the front button of my stylus, similar to how it works in Photoshop. Instead, by default, it zooms/outzooms the image, even if I make an application profile specifically for Krita in my Wacom Tablet Properties and specify that button as "Pan/Scroll". I have a Wacom One Medium, if that matters. Krita version is 3.3.3
I saw that the zoom/outzoom functions were bound to mousewheel up/down and, disabling these binds caused the stylus to stop zooming/outzooming with that key aswell, so my theory is that it interprets "Pan/Scroll" as scroll only and sends mousewheel up/down clicks instead of actually panning the canvas.
Something else I tried was to bind the stylus button to send middle clicks (as mouse middle click is bound to panning by default) and I've read in these forums that this usually works for people, but it just doesn't do anything for me.

Any help would be appreciated!
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Re: Pan with stylus not working

Thu Feb 01, 2018 5:56 pm
Depending on the brand of tablet, the stylus button engages pan out of the box. You don't need to rebind it in any way to make that work. If you do, it will stop working.
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Blood Raven
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Re: Pan with stylus not working

Thu Feb 01, 2018 6:01 pm
boudewijn wrote:Depending on the brand of tablet, the stylus button engages pan out of the box. You don't need to rebind it in any way to make that work. If you do, it will stop working.

Yeah, it's supposed to work out of the box. But it doesn't. Not with the default settings and not with rebound settings.
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Blood Raven
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Re: Pan with stylus not working  Topic is solved

Fri Feb 02, 2018 9:03 pm
Thanks to this thread I found out that panning works when hovering over the tablet, not when touching it with the stylus while holding the button, like it does in photoshop. Not sure how I didn't figure this out earlier. I guess this solves my problem, although I'd much rather have the pan work like in photoshop, but I'm not sure that's possible.
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Re: Pan with stylus not working

Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:53 pm
Blood Raven wrote:Thanks to this thread I found out that panning works when hovering over the tablet, not when touching it with the stylus while holding the button, like it does in photoshop. Not sure how I didn't figure this out earlier. I guess this solves my problem, although I'd much rather have the pan work like in photoshop, but I'm not sure that's possible.

You can, go to settings>configure Krita>Canvas Input Settings>Pan Canvas there choose your combination (left click + middle button) or any you want. be cautions that some combinations may bring undesired behaving if coincide to other actions. :)

Note: its kind of tricky to input the combination in the dialog (holding the "middle button" while "clicking"), as it register as left click at times, but after a couple of times it does register correctly.

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