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Please help with import resources

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Please help with import resources

Sun Feb 04, 2018 9:20 am
I would very much appreciate it if someone could show me step by step how to import resources. If i click import bundles or ABR or gradients or whatever i dont see any of these so i cant import them. Ive unzipped them on my desktop and expected them to show up in manage setting when destop is opened, but no. Ive copied them to
user\Appdata\Roaming\krita\paintoppresets or %APPDATA%\Roaming\krita\paintoppresets but still no brushes. doing soemthing wrong but what??? Ive tried everything for over a week now but cant figure it out. So me.
Thanks Marion
Registered Member
It seems i finally figured out how to import brushes! Ive got them in Äll"in the brushlist. But now i want to tag them and although i made a tag this doesnt show up in the list where you can choose which category you want to see. I cant find a video anywhere that shows this.I watched this video at 17.08 minutes.
but dont get a tag "trees", so again i must be doing something wrong. Can you please help?
Thanks Marion
Registered Member

Re: Please help with import resources

Mon Feb 05, 2018 12:04 pm
That video is nearly three years old and the Krita user interface has changed since it was made.

Also, that video is about importing brushes and using the brush settings editor to make 'brush presets' which are what you actually use to paint with. You will have an easier time if you import 'bundles' such as the deevad bundle which I mention to you in a previous post.

You create (and rename and delete) tags using the Brush Preset docker or the 'Choose Brush Preset' menu icon. It no longer has a small '+' sign on it.

It has a 'Tag' button that you press and it will offer you a box with a symbol that looks like a piece of paper. This is a text box to create a new tag. Type the name of the new tag there and press return to create it. Then, you should have a list of all the brush presets in the new tag, it will be empty since you haven't yet assigned any brush presets to that tag. You can then select All, or any other tag, to get a list of available brush presets in that tag.

If you have selected a tag list already, it will also offer you a text box with a small pencil icon next to it. This is used to rename that tag. You can also delete a tag. Be very careful about renaming and deleting tags. You can undelete a deleted tag but it all gets very confusing very quickly if you are not careful.

Right click on a brush preset icon and you will be given options to assign it to a tag (any existing tag) or remove it's association with any tag it is already assigned to. If you assign a brush preset to a tag then it will appear in the list if you select that tag in the top drop down list at the top of the brush presets docker.

A brush preset can be assigned to more than one tag, for your convenience and personal organisation needs.

I suggest that you explore these controls and 'play' with them to see what can be done (being careful about deleting and renaming).


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