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vector layers

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vector layers

Mon Feb 05, 2018 3:29 pm
when I create vector layer in Krita it's transparent-Is there a way to create vector layer with a white background?
If I save file with vector layer as jpg -will it preserve the vector properties of the shapes-it means-if I resize that jpg later -to bigger image-it won't affect the resolution?
Does vector layer preserve the CMYK profile?
and lastly is there a way to save an only vector file in Krita(with only vector layer)-and get rid of the other layers - I tried the merge and flatten but it seems they remove the vector quality-so what is the right way?
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Re: vector layers  Topic is solved

Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:43 pm
alinsh wrote:when I create vector layer in Krita it's transparent-Is there a way to create vector layer with a white background?
If I save file with vector layer as jpg -will it preserve the vector properties of the shapes-it means-if I resize that jpg later -to bigger image-it won't affect the resolution?
Does vector layer preserve the CMYK profile?
and lastly is there a way to save an only vector file in Krita(with only vector layer)-and get rid of the other layers - I tried the merge and flatten but it seems they remove the vector quality-so what is the right way?

1- you can use a white (or any color) square that covers the whole layer, generally vectors are used as objects, having a layer with color is not something you want to do in a vector layer unlike raster images where you want to paint over.
2- a friendly advice, read a bit (just a bit, no need to be expert on the matter :) ) about file formats, specially image file formats, the short answer here is that .jpg will not save anything other than a single image (the stack of all visible layers you have in Krita). this format is not for re-work, is a final format render of a finished image. This format do pixelize plenty when zooming, what you are looking for is .svg
3- If you working with Krita, save as .kra, that will save all the image/layer properties you have customized, when you happy with the results, you can render to something like .png/jpg
4- If you select a layer you can simply delete it (trash icon right bottom of layers docker or right click on the layer then delete), and any layer behind will be saved only if you save as .kra, no jpg, png, etc. (there is another couple of formats that can save the layers without merging them, but I think right now is better to only recommend you Krita's own format)

Vector system in Krita is been reworked and a new and better implementation of it will come with the version 4.x, if you want to use a full range of svg tools, Inkscape is a good program for it, as Krita's are meant to be basic in the aid of composing a whole work with them along with raster functions.
Hope it gives you a least some direction of what to look for :)

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