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I was watching the video about clipping mask. When i tried it earlier today there was a transparency layer showing when i clicked the middle icon in layers, the alpha i thinks its called. However, now i dont see anything happening when i click that button, no transparency layer. The maskbutton in the toolbar on top works but that needs no layer as i understand but its destructive. Before there was a button for create new paper but that has vanished as well. Can someone please help?
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If you watch YouTube tutorial videos, they often present more than one function at the same time and the presenter talks and does things very quickly. This often leads to confusion.
It would be a good idea to read the Krita Manual as a first introduction to basic concepts and tools in Krita. https://docs.krita.org/Category:User_Manual In it, you will learn that Krita does not have 'clipping mask' functionality. https://docs.krita.org/Clipping_Masks_and_Alpha_Inheritance You seem to have confused and mixed up 'alpha inheritance' and 'transparency masks'. The small 'alpha' button to the right of a layer is the 'Inherit Alpha' button. This has nothing to do with transparency masks, they are a separate thing. The alpha inheritance behaviour can be very confusing if you don't fully understand what it does. All the layers below have an effect on the layer which has alpha inheritance appled to it and it is best used with layer groups. It gets complicated. If you want to make a simple clipping mask, I'd suggest that you use a transparency mask for simple work and effects. https://docs.krita.org/Transparency_Masks To create a transparency mask for a layer, you click on the down-arrow next to the '+' sign at the bottom of the layer docker and it will give you a list of options. One of these options is 'Transparency Mask'. It will add a transparency mask to the currently selected layer. You can paint in black/grey/white on the transparency mask to affect the transparency of the layer above it that it is applied to. If you want to use an existing image as a transparency mask, you can convert a layer to be a transparency mask for the layer above it by doing a right-click on that layer and then select Convert - to Transparency Mask. Note that a transparency mask will always be monochrome. If you're having problems with button and controls in Krita, it's always a good idea to post a screenshot so that people can understand what you mean. |
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Thanks, ive got it working now.
Ive watched a video about making your own brushpallet but that was of an older version and had a button for add settings. I cant find that in v 3.3.3. I cant find how to do this in the help. Can someone please help me? |
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