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How do I make the Square Filled, but Not stroked?

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How do I make the Square Filled, but Not stroked?
The settings for the Square & the Circle are the same, but the circle is filled and the Square is empty. Just to see the outline of the square I had to adjust the stroke.

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The picture you provide is an impressive collage but it is only 681 x 401 pixels and it's difficult to see fine detail. It's a good idea to post full resolution screenshots (or smaller extracts from a full screenshots). External services like (and others) are good for that.

The picture shows the Layers docker but it would be a good idea to show the Tool Options docker instead. If you have the Tool Options docker showing, then swapping between the Rectangle Tool and the Ellipse Tool will quickly show if they have the same settings for Fill and Outline.

It's not clear if you're painting in a vector layer or a paint layer. In a vector layer, you can't make a shape with no outline. In a paint layer you can draw a shape with no outline and no fill, but I don't know why anyone would want to do that.
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ahabgreybeard wrote:The picture you provide is an impressive collage but it is only 681 x 401 pixels and it's difficult to see fine detail. It's a good idea to post full resolution screenshots (or smaller extracts from a full screenshots). External services like (and others) are good for that.

The picture shows the Layers docker but it would be a good idea to show the Tool Options docker instead. If you have the Tool Options docker showing, then swapping between the Rectangle Tool and the Ellipse Tool will quickly show if they have the same settings for Fill and Outline.

It's not clear if you're painting in a vector layer or a paint layer. In a vector layer, you can't make a shape with no outline. In a paint layer you can draw a shape with no outline and no fill, but I don't know why anyone would want to do that.

Thank you so much.
"Tool Options Docker" was the hint I needed. I got it now.

In case anyone else can't figure this out:
Find the Tool Options Docker.
Fill: Foregroud Color
Outline: No Outline

Thanks again.

PS the Resolution of the photo I posted: Funny thing is I made the image in 300ppi in PS, but forums have banned me from posting large images so I shrunk it down lol Should have known a graphics forum would want better quality. (:


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