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Tablet pressure sensitivity suddenly stops working?

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Hi there! Haven't found much of a solution on the other forum posts so I figured I'd try here.

OS: MacOS High Sierra v10.13.3 (fully updated)
Tablet: Huion Kamvas GT-191 (with most up-to-date driver downloaded from website, v13.9.0.171209)
Krita: v3.3.3 (have also tried on v3.3.2, issue persists)

It took me a bit of time and toggling and re-toggling the settings to get pressure sensitivity to work in Krita... and after I finally got it working, after about 10 minutes of drawing with it working, Krita crashed. When I restarted Krita, pressure sensitivity was no longer functioning no matter how much I toggled the settings. (Including the button for "use pen pressure" on the "File" toolbar outside of the brush settings.)

Actions I have taken: Restarted Krita. Restarted tablet driver. Restarted computer. Uninstalled and reinstalled tablet driver. Uninstalled and reinstalled Krita. Tried different version of Krita. So far none of these have managed to solve the issue.

Pressure sensitivity works fine in Autodesk Sketchbook, which I downloaded to check that pressure sensitivity could work on other programs.

Have also sent this question to Huion customer support.

I appreciate any guidance you can offer. So far it seems like a great program, so it's a shame that the pressure sensitivity isn't working.
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KDE Developer
As I seem to have to repeat every single time someone with a broken setup complains about Krita not recognizing the tablet:

* Uninstalling and reinstalling Krita doesn't do a thing
* The fact that other applications don't seem to be affected is irrelevant: it does not "prove" that it's a problem inside Krita.
* And it's always a bug in the driver, not in Krita.

Add to that, that on macOS, Krita doesn't have any tablet-specific code, we're using Qt's integration with the OS tablet hooks for that.

That Krita crashed is a bug in Krita, of course, and if you still can reproduce that, we can try to fix it, but we cannot fix broken drivers for you.
Registered Member
Thanks for taking the time to respond! As mentioned, I have also contacted the tablet creator, so hopefully they can offer some advice (or a better driver). I'm just so confused because it was working before the crash. Not saying that is a fault of Krita. I only tried a different program because my tablet is brand new, and wanted to check that it didn't arrive broken! That would suck haha.

In terms of what was causing the crash, I was using the tool that lets you move and resize a selection at the same time. I selected the area, chose that tool, and when I clicked on the corner to drag the selection, Krita crashed. This has happened twice on Krita v3.3.3.


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