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Timeline docker won't expand? [SOLVED]

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Hi all,

I'm attempting to learn the animation tools in Krita. However, I've come to a frustrating roadblock. After creating a new document, I can't get the timeline docker to expand past being able to view one layer. It only stays a small sliver at the bottom of my screen. I'm hovering over the 5 dots that normally indicate the the ability to expand a docker & my cursor changes to indicate that I should be able to but the docker will not move. I am using the default animation workspace in Krita 3.1.4. Does anybody know what's causing this?



EDIT: Figured it out. It was the fact that I had 3 dockers stacked above it on the left. Took one out and it would expand for me. For some reason, that locked down my timeline at the bottom. Thanks all.


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