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Click here to solve your problem!

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Click here to solve your problem!

Fri Mar 16, 2018 1:44 pm
Ah, what a click baity title, no?

None the less, before you try to post a thread on solving your problem, check if going through the following steps might help:

  1. Check the FAQ - it will have the major things everyone bumps into.
  2. In fact, check anytime you're curious about something. It is a relatively complete manual.
  3. If you think you have a bug, check the bugtracker for Krita bugs. Maybe your bug has already been reported, and if not, you can report it!
  4. Do a basic forum search as well, maybe someone like you had the same problem and it got resolved.

If you did all that, and still are unsure, then it is best to post a thread. We will not close a thread or complain if you didn't find your solution in the previous sections, it is just that we are mostly comprised of volunteers with relatively little time to answer questions. You help a ton if you check these links beforehand so we can skip over suggesting the standard answers. And in fact, if you really wanna help us, one of the best ways is to help answer other people's questions!

If you wish to attach an image, it is best to use image upload services like imgur or pasteboard and then paste the link in your post.

But let's hope you find your answer immediately in those few links :p

Last edited by irina_r on Fri Mar 16, 2018 2:05 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: should be sticky


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