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New Windows Layouts tool has problems

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I've been playing with the new Window Layouts tool in the 4.1.0 pre-alpha .appimage and it's very interesting. It seems to be a combination of the existing Workspaces tool (docker placement and arrangement) and a Krita window size and position adjustment tool, with selection from previously saved and named layouts.

Is it intended to work with an extended desktop over two monitors? I ask because it doesn't quite work at the moment.

I can create, name and save a layout that spreads over two monitors and I can select between various saved layouts for two monitors. I can switch from a dual monitor layout to a single monitor layout but it won't switch to a dual monitor layout from a single monitor Layout.

This is not a major problem because when the dual layout is selected while in a single monitor layout, it gets squeezed into a single monitor and I can just grab the side and stretch it out to cover the second monitor, a matter of a few seconds work.

This might be the fault of my Debian OS or MATE desktop or proprietary Nvidia driver ......

On Windows 10, with the latest nightly build, I can crash it every time by swapping between dual and single monitor layouts a couple of times.

EDIT: P.S. I forgot to mention:
On Windows 10, switching from dual to single monitor layout will push the right hand side of the krita window beyond the edge of the right hand monitor and also move it up a little beyond the top edge of the monitor so the window title bar can't be seen. It's tricky to recover from this, if it hasn't crashed by that stage.
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KDE Developer
Please do report the crash. But this feature was designed for relatively stable setups -- i.e., where there are always two monitors, for instance.
Registered Member
Windows crash reported:

Windows badly faulty window positioning reported:

Linux slightly inconvenient window fault reported:

Common UI presentation flaw reported:

I agree that in normal daily use, a dual monitor user would probably settle down with two or three different dual monitor layouts. At the moment however, it's a very frustrating experience to use them when you're in the 'learning' stage.

Also, consider the following use case: I have Krita full screen on the right monitor and a browser full screen on the left monitor. The browser has a written or video Krita turorial that I'm following and practicing it by using in Krita the right monitor, so i can learn the use of a particular tool or technique. When I'm satisfied and confident with it, I switch to my normal dual monitor layout, until the next video tutorial.

Apart from the flaws, it's an excellent new tool :)


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