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I just upgraded to Krita 4.0.3, which includes fantastic new brushes (!!!), but I´m missing two of my old favourites: ![]() I tried out most of the included pencils and brushes, but didn´t find a matching sub. Any help? Thank you. |
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
settings -> manage resources and there move the krita 3 bundle to the lefthand (active) column.
![]() Registered Member ![]()
Thank you --> will work. But like this I will get some "duplicates", because some of the new brushes stayed the same, but got new names (?).
I was hoping that the two mentioned brushes are still there - with new names:). |
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
If that really matters to you, don't enable but unzip the krita 3 bundle and copy the kpp files for the presets you want to your resources folder.
![]() Registered Member ![]()
Thank you so far,
I unpacked the Krita 3 ressources, and copied "Basic_wet_soft.kpp" (25 kb) to...anywhere. But in the Krita-ressource-mangager there is no option to import .kpp-files. In the Krita-resources-folder I only fount .gbr-files... Any Ideas? |
![]() Registered Member ![]()
You were looking in the 'brushes' folder. You need to go to the 'paintoppresets' folder which is where the brush presets are.
Think of the 'brushes' as being paintbrush tips/bristles and the 'brush presets' as being a paintbrush fitted with a paint (or effects) delivery system with dozens of controls on it. One of the many controls lets you change the brush (i.e the tip). You paint using 'brush presets'. The 'brush' is fitted to the end of the 'brush preset'. The terminology is confusing at first and can be for some time afterwards. |
![]() Registered Member ![]()
--> And then "what"? In the paintoppresets-folder are the .kpp-files with regular names, in the brushes-folder are files like .gbr and .gih, but with other names (matching somehow with the others?). I don´t understand why this have to be complicated like it is!? If a brush "needs" two files, I would name them similar - for example pencil_thin_01_tip and pencil_thin_01_effect. In the resources manager, the .gbr files are chooseable, but with "cryptical" names - the "opposite" would make sense - that it would be possible to choose the .kpp-files. Finaly I have no idea how to import that wished brushes... |
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
It's not complicated. You're just confusing yourself by trying to look at it through the glasses of someone coming from another application.
A brush tip file -- abr, gbr, whatever, only contains the actual stamp that Krita uses. A kpp file contains all the other information for a certain brush engine to give a certain effect. The brush tip is a small part of that. And the brush tip doesn't need to come from a brush tip file. Any brush tip can be used in any brush preset for any brush engine that supports using brush tips: some don't, like the sketch brush. So there is is no one on one link between brush tip and brush preset. The resource manager dialog is perfectly capable of importing both brush tip files as well as brush preset files. And then... Not every brush brush preset needs a brush tip file: there are _three_ kinds of brush tips, auto, predefined and text. Only predefined come from files, auto and text are defined in the brush preset file, based on the settings in the brush editor. |
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.kpp files are brush preset (painting and effects tools) files and they are stored in the paintoppresets folder. You can use the Manage Resources utility to import them (Import Presets button) or you can manually place them there yourself and they will be available when you next start Krita. Similarly with brush (tip/bristle/stamp) files such as .gbr/.gih/.png files which are basically pictures of the brush pattern, which are stored in the brushes folder.
As is obvious, you can make your own brush files and put them in the brushes folder. You can also make your own brush presets using Krita. Select any brush preset and then click on the 'Edit brush settings' icon on the top toolbar; it has an icon that looks like the icon of the brush preset you're using. (I suppose it should be called 'Edit brush preset settings.) In there, you can select, examine and change all the many and various parameters of the brush preset to make it have different characteristics. Then, you can use it immediately and reset it later if you wish. You can also do 'Save New Brush Preset' to create your very own special painting tool, which you give a name to, and it will appear as a .kpp file in the paintoppreset folder. I recommend that you do this because it's interesting and useful to know and it will help you to understand how the Krita painting/effects tools are constructed and stored. The key point is that you can have full control over the tools and you can make your own customised tools which you can give to other people if you want to. |
![]() Registered Member ![]()
Thank both of you.
As far as I understood - brush tips can be used by multiple brushes, and the .kpp-files containes both: All the informations about the brush, incl. the "whole brush tip" AND / OR a link to one of the "standard-tips"? The only thing I am "angry" about is, that in the ressource-manager "import brushes" means FROM OTHER SYSTEMS / PROGRAMMS --> WHY NOT KRITA-BRUSHES, TOO!!!??? So there´s an extra option "import preferences" for importing krita-brushes - I never would have looked there;). Have I got it? ![]() [I don´t want to create own brushes] |
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
Actually, .kpp files don't contain predefined brush tips, but refer to them. Import brushes means, import brush tip files. Krita even has some brush tip categories, like png files or svg files, that other applications don't have. Import brush presets means import kpp files. Note that we have some pretty good documentation for people coming from other applications: https://docs.krita.org/en/user_manual/i ... tware.html
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tandorf: "...brush tips can be used by multiple brushes, and the .kpp-files containes both:..."
That should be: "... brushes can be used by multiple brush presets, and the .kpp files ARE the brush presets:..." Remember, you don't paint with brushes, you paint with brush presets. The brush preset IS the painting tool and it contains a link/pointer/reference to the tip, if a tip is needed for the particular engine it uses. (For painting it's usually the 'Pixel Engine' but there are others.) The tip can be a standard (internal) tip, such as a circle, blurred circle, square; or it can be an image of a bristle/stamp pattern of which there are many, which is an image stored in the brushes folder. In the resources manager, 'import brushes' means exactly that: take brush files (image files) from some folder somewhere and copy them into the Krita brushes folder, where they will then be available for krita to use as brushes (tip/bristles/stamps). There is nothing special about a brush file, it's just a picture. There are no 'KRITA-BRUSHES'. What is special is the Krita brush preset (.kpp file) and you can import those too since many people make them and post them for free use on various websites, such as deviantart.com. The only reason I use the resources manager is to activate/deactivate bundles (a separate subject) or to create bundles. For brushes and brush presets I just copy them into the brushes and paintoppresets folder and they are there and they work when Krita is restarted. |
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Thanks again!
Sometimes it comes, that an user (like me) envisages something, that does not exist, or got something unrealisticaly in mind - without enough experience. I "really" started with krita, and before I just got some basics by using Gimp and ToonBoomStudio. Generally I´m absolutely satisfied with the many brushes there are. ![]() |
![]() Registered Member ![]()
I don't want to make another thread, i guess this one is fairly similar to my problem. I don't know why, but some of my brushes just disappeared when i removed Krita 3 default recources to inacvite and then back to active, I was actually looking for tone particular pattern from Krita 3 but could not find it. I must have messed up something with the bundle and now i am missing some of my fav brushes. Is there any way to reset the bundle, and all the settings of Krita? Just installing Krita again doesnt solve the problem. Thank you. |
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
See: https://docs.krita.org/en/KritaFAQ.html ... figuration -- uninstalling and reinstalling Krita doesn't do anything to your settings.
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