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Wacom pen issues?

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Wacom pen issues?

Sun Sep 09, 2018 7:23 pm
Used krita in the past and wanted to jump back in. However been having this issue for a while and haven't found a fix for it.
Set up krita ao the buttons on the pen would work for different tools. However it never recognizes them. Tried countless times to reconfigure it... Nothing. Re installed my tablet drivers, krita and even tried messing with windows ink and/or turning it off entirely and flicks as well.

No fix I can find anywhere fixes this. Really like to be able to use the buttons on my pen for panning/scrolling. Used to work until just recently.

Any help?
Registered Member

Re: Wacom pen issues?

Fri Sep 14, 2018 4:56 am
Issues with tablets/pens are always tricky because the krita development team have no control over the tablet drivers. It might be helpful if you could provide the following information:

Which version of Windows are you using? Which model of tablet are you using?

As a matter of interest, do you mean the two buttons (or rocker switch) on the pen or do you mean button on the tablet?

"Set up krita ao the buttons on the pen would work for different tools." I'd have thought that the best way would be to set up the tablet, using the Wacom control utility so that the pen/tablet buttons generated the appropriate shortcuts for the tool. What did you do to krita to try to achieve this?

"Used to work until just recently." So, something has changed. It may be that an OS (especially Windows 10) update has broken your tablet driver or even a Wacom update. (Windows 10 has been known to update Wacom drivers). Try manually updating your OS in case a bad update has been recently fixed.

In the Wacom tablet control/setup utility, have you tried setting up a separate profile for krita? That sometimes helps.
Registered Member

Re: Wacom pen issues?

Fri May 31, 2019 5:32 am
Hi, same business here.. my preassure doesnt work in mouse mode.... krita won´t allow it.

I have an old GD1212 tablet from Wacom, and it's not supported anymore, so to use it, in mouse mode w preassure sensitivity in PSD I need to force PSD to use wintab by creating, in text editor, a file named PSUserConfig.txt and saving in the psd settings folder with:
UseSystemStylus 0
instead of 1

can this be done in krita to solve the same issue?

here i add were i found the original PSD info: ... oshop.html

[Installation Drive]:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming
\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015\Adobe Photoshop CC 2015
UseSystemStylus 0


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