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krita crashed and reverted to a previous version

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Krita crashed on me, and wasted 4.5 hours worth of work. I saved often, but it just kinda stopped drawing and wouldn't let me do anything, so I tried to close it. It gave the prompt for saving unsaved work, and I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I clicked it anyways. I restarted Krita, and it was the version from before I started today, and all my saves were gone. 4.5 hours worth of work, completely gone. I'm freaking devastated, and am shelving the painting because I already put 12 hrs into it and I just don't have the heart to redo all the work I did today. I'm so freaking livid. Please tell me there is a way to fix this.

Here is proof to show you. I hope links are allowed. You can't hear me freaking out and bawling my eyes out on stream because of the music so it's muted, but trust me, I did.
Registered Member
Okay after restarting my computer, the previously non-existent autosave file appeared magically. I'm so relieved! The ordeal has left me exhausted though, due to the emotional roller coaster lol. Y'all can close this as resolved I guess.


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