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Issues with Wacom Intuos and Mouse

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Issues with Wacom Intuos and Mouse

Wed Jan 23, 2019 1:08 pm
The issue is hard to explain, but easy to reproduce on my setup.
First of all, after selecting brush (or changing color/size) Krita doesn't show whatever is drawn on the tablet. But if I try to use mouse - everything works just fine.
I have found a little work-around, where I either click several times on a brush and pray it works or select current layer. Another thing - while the pen input works (and I can draw on the tablet), if I try to move mouse - it draws, constantly, leaving a trail of the brush that is in use- until I click it. But then the tablet can't be used to draw and same problem as I tried to explain occurs as before.
I suspect that I am missing some settings, but I just can't find what else can I try. Re-installed drivers, Krita, video driver.

System information
Code: Select all
  Version: 4.1.7

  Version (compiled): 5.9.3
  Version (loaded): 5.9.3

OS Information
  Build ABI: i386-little_endian-ilp32
  Build CPU: i386
  CPU: i386
  Kernel Type: winnt
  Kernel Version: 6.1.7601
  Pretty Productname: Windows 7 SP 1 (6.1)
  Product Type: windows
  Product Version: 7sp1

OpenGL Info
  **OpenGL not initialized**
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KDE Developer
Check whether resetting the wacom driver's settings makes a difference. It seems there's been a recent driver update that semi-randomly causes problems. Not just with Krita, even with Photoshop: ... ate-331018

Could you also do me a favour, and check whether the GPU acceleration checkbox really is disabled in settings/configure krita/display? I'm seeing way too many bug info outputs with "OpenGL not Initialized"...


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