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Pop Up Color Wheel Trouble

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Pop Up Color Wheel Trouble

Sat Feb 16, 2019 8:28 pm
Hey Guys!

I have been tampering with getting the Pop Up Color Selector to show up on my canvas for quite a while now and haven't had any luck.

It's supposed to be bound to Right Click, and yet nothing occurs when I press the corresponding button on my tablet pen.

I have gone into the Krita tab, hit preferences, and then to the tab for this color wheel and changed the binding options to anything I can think of. I try binding it to buttons on my drawing tablet, either button on my pen, and various key strokes and it just doesn't pop up no matter what I try. The only success Ive had is if it is bound to Left Click (which is used to just press the pen into the tablet and draw) hindering my ability to actually paint as it crops up the menu.

I'm confused as to why bindings aren't cropping it up and was looking for some suggestions/advice.

Thanks a lot guys and gals!

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Re: Pop Up Color Wheel Trouble

Sat Feb 16, 2019 9:47 pm
Can you say what OS version, which krita version and what tablet/pen you're using?

If you press the 'right-click' button on your tablet/pen, does that work normally in other cases, such as a right-click on a Toolbox icon, which should bring up the size chooser list?

Can you bind other functions to buttons on your tablet or a 'right click' pen button? Can you bind to a mouse right-click?

I know little about this area but the information may be useful to someone who does.
Registered Member

Re: Pop Up Color Wheel Trouble

Sun Feb 17, 2019 10:42 pm
For sure!

I'm using a Huion Inspiroy Q11K and the pen that came packaged in with it.

The latest version of Krita is what I'm using currently (updated and reinstalled hoping to fix the issue, it did not).

Right clicking in the tool box area works via my track pad and my pen, but does not register the color wheel assigned to the same click. It's very strange as it allows me to assign the wheel when I use the top button on the pen to register the connection, but apart from that does not actually perform the command on the canvas.

We will figure it out =D

Thanks again everyone.


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