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Tranparent stamps???

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Tranparent stamps???

Sun Feb 17, 2019 4:58 pm
Hi all I made a simple colored stamp. Black circle filled with a dark grey. I've noticed that this stamp either doesn't show multiple colors (using pixel brush) or comes out transparent (using stamp tool/brush). I can't figure out how to fix either of these approaches.

I'd like the circle to come out as is drawn with solid colors. Is this possible?

Using basic brush to draw the shape. Any help is appreciated.

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Re: Tranparent stamps???

Wed Feb 20, 2019 3:30 pm
You can try to play a bit with a presets like "stamp bokeh" to see how it works on the pixel engine, other stamps presets on the spray engine have less parameters.

If you open the brush editor on the mentioned stamp brush, you can there change the "tip" for the stamp shape you made, then you can play with the opacity, size, etc. No opacity checked would give you no transparency.

As for colors, the easiest is to activate the "mix" parameter, this will give you a range between foreground and background colors (adjusting such range with the curves).

If you shape is colored already, then when making the tip (lets say you create it by selecting the shape on the canvas then using the button +Clipboard) make sure that color is not used as mask, this is unchecked the "create mask from color" box.

Self educated by a very bad teacher!
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