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Can't draw/ Pencil not working?

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Can't draw/ Pencil not working?

Tue Mar 12, 2019 6:21 pm
after only 10 minutes of drawing, I'm already facing a huge problem.

My pencil isn't working. I don't know what to do about it.
If I try to draw something, it doesn't appear on the white background, it erases the transparent layer behind it though... ( I am definitely NOT using an eraser...)
Hopefully, you can help me.

I just noticed, there is no option, to upload a screenshot of my problem - at least I see no option.
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Re: Can't draw/ Pencil not working?

Tue Mar 12, 2019 7:33 pm
The simplest way to show us an entire screenshot is to post it to somewhere like and then give the link in your post.

You can post inline images, with a width limit of about 710 pixels (I'm not sure if i remember that figure correctly), by using the img tags so that it looks like this:
Image in your post.
You put your own image website location in there, then check it with the Preview button.

You may not be using an eraser brush preset but you could have unknowingly set one of your pencil presets to operate in Eraser Mode by clicking the Set eraser mode icon on the toolbar. This is persistent for that preset within a session but is cleared after a restart. If so, the Set eraser mode icon will be highlighted and can be cleared by clicking it.

I'm not sure what you mean by "... it erases the transparent layer behind it ..." so a screenshot would be useful.


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