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Krita not showing proper animation options

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Dear forum,

I downloaded krita and watched some tutorials on how to animate in Krita, but when I setup my timeline, animation and onionskin.
And I want to open a new frame (by clicking right mouse on an empty shell) I get a whole different menu shown instead of the new frame & delete frame I see on the tutorials. So now i cant animate.
Can somebody please help me with this?

Kind regards,
Registered Member
The exact details of the animation UI have changed since the time that tutorial was probably made. The manual is a useful source of information - but the animation section hasn't been updated yet - it all takes time and volunteer effort.

It's not difficult though:- Starting with a fresh transparent layer, right-click on frame-0 in the Timeline and select Create Blank Frame, you will then have a blank frame-0 and the layer will be an animated layer as you can tell from the lightbulb icon (greyed out) that appears in the layer properties indicator section of the Layers docker and the Timeline docker. Draw something on the canvas and that will be the contents of frame-0. You'll see a continuous blue line going from frame-1 to the right on the Timeline, this indicates that those frames are Hold frames, they will be presented as a 'held' copy of the frame to the left, i.e frame-0. This is useful for things like background layers that may only change infrequently.

Note: If you have pre-existing content on a layer that you want in your animation, you can right click frame-0 in the Timeline of that layer and select Create Duplicate Frame, this will pull the layer content into frame-0 of what will then be an animated layer.

Right click on frame-1 and select Create Blank Frame to have a new blank frame to draw on or select Create Duplicate Frame to have a copy of frame-0 for making changes to, as you wish. Frame-1 will become the new held frame that is repeated all the way to the right in the Timeline. Repeat this process for frame-2, etc.

Click the lightbulb icon to show the onion skins on the image. The Onion skins docker is only used for setting up the characteristics of the onion skins and is not needed once you've set up your prefered number, colour and opacity of the onion skins.

Play with everything and try stuff to see what it does. Good luck and keep coming back if you have problems or questions.


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