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I'm a novice as Krita user. I managed to create a number of new Brushes (Normal Map) Many of them are cool (Tagged them as Favorites) But there are enough of the ones i want to delete (though it may be better to write "To get them out of my eyes") I click on Brush Icon to select the one i want to delete. After that i click on Trash can icon. It helped me to delete some of the brushes (and there was no "Return of the Brush") In many cases the brush comes back after i open Krita next time. They say that it's a bug. (i've found in Krita Manual "Report a Bug". Will read it. Hope that it'll help. PS. Should i Report Bug through a Forum?) Can add that i found that somebody managed to delete a brush with use of "@slangkamp suggestion". But what is @slangkamp suggestion and how to use it? In most of cases i click on Brush icon and after that on Trash...And selection jumps on upper Brush icon - the brush isn't deleted. Is it a Bug? Please, help me.
Last edited by vilmasolo on Tue Mar 19, 2019 10:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The '@slangkamp suggestion' is a reply in a post made in October 2015 where slangkamp said to use the trash-can icon at the bottom of the preset list (in the Brush editor). I'm using a recent 4.2.0 pre-alpha .appimage version of krita and I've just deleted a brush preset by that method and it didn't come back after I restarted krita. I didn't try deleting a large number of brush presets over many krita sessions though.
This forum is a place for getting advice and discussing problems and bugs so you're certainly in the right place for that. The formal bug reporting is done in a different place (https://bugs.kde.org/) but it's better to discuss problems here first in case it's not a bug but a misunderstanding. It may also be the case that your problem has already been reported as a formal bug, that somebody may know about. The resources management side of krita is being reworked at the moment (it's a big job) and the developers may know if this behaviour has been reported already. When you 'trash can' a brush preset like that it doesn't get deleted from the collection of brush presets, its name is added to a 'blacklist' of brush presets that krita will not (should not) load/display. One thing you can do is close krita, go to the krita resources folder and open the paintoppresests folder in which you will see the file names of all the brush presets that you've created (along with other brush presets). You can delete the files there and then they will be totally gone. The small problem is that the names of the ones that you've 'trash canned' from inside krita will still be in the kis_paintoppresets.blacklist file so you won't be able to use those names again, unless you carefully edit that file ( xml format) to remove the names from there. If you feel confident about doing that, the location of the resources folder is described here: https://docs.krita.org/en/KritaFAQ.html ... ces-stored It's a good idea to make a backup copy of the krita resources folder before you do anything like that in case of mistakes. |
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I found resouces folder with the brushes. But it's in svg format - i have no programm to open it. Searching gave me "Adobe Illustrator CC" as a programm to do this. Probably, it will be enough a week of free use to clean up my brush list. After that i'm thinking to delete " Illustrator". Or i may preserve it till a moment i'll have a need to pay and use "Illustrator". In any case i'll prefer to make backup copy of resources before cleaning up the list. But i'm not sure that i know how to make backup copy. How to do it? And the most optimal will be to delete brushes from preset. Cause i'll see all the icons (to be sure that i won't delete something i don't want to delete) You see, a lot of brush names are dublicated. Thanks for the answer.
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Hi vilmasolo, couple of things to note:
-In Krita, the brush is actually called preset, and its tip (they are interchangeable) is called brush tip but stored in the brushes folder. -Every time you modify a preset (brush, not the tip) Krita makes a backup of it, thus even if you "overwrite" the preset, in reality you are not, just making a new copy of with the new settings. -Because of the above you may have many presets (as you may notice it already) with similar name, my recommendation is to rename all the presets you want to keep, to something that makes them noticeable, like adding a letter or number at the beginning, this would allow you to distinguish them in the preset folder. eg. putting your initials to all of them. -As ahabgreybeard mentioned, there is a xml file with blacklisted presets, this list keep them from showing as if they were deleted while Krita is on. Once you are sure of which preset you want to delete, and then get rid of them, you can safely remove that list and start a new, Note: It may be better to just move the file somewhere else instead of deleting it, just as a safety measure, once all the presets you want are organized, there is no need for that xml file. (Krita will make it new on restart) -Extra: the svg is a type of graphic file, like png, jpg, etc. you can actually open these on Krita, and if you ever encounter the need to work with them, Inkscape is the best open/free choice out there ![]()
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You may be confused about where your personal krita resources folder is. Assuming you're running a Windows 10 operating system, you should find it at C:/users/vilmasolo/AppData/Roaming/krita It contains many other folders inside it. [Edited to give the correct folder location - I always get confused about that.] To make a backup of the 'krita' folder, you just copy it and paste it and rename the copy as 'kritabak-19March' or whatever you think is a suitable name for a backup copy. Because you will be performing surgery on the krita resources, you should not have krita running while you're doing all this. The brush presets folder, which contains the many brush presets that you've made and don't want anymore, is called 'paintoppresets'. You need to go in there and delete the presets that you no longer want. They will have names that you recognise. Quiralta's suggestion of deleting the kis_paintoppresets.blacklist file (which is in the top level krita folder) is a good one and is simpler and easier than my suggestion. If things go wrong, just delete the 'krita' folder and rename the 'kritabak-19March' folder to 'krita' and you can pretend that it all never happened. As Quiralta explained, in krita you don't paint with a 'brush', the painting tool is called a 'brush preset' (stored in the folder called 'paintoppresets'. The word 'brush' is used to mean the tip/bristle-image/stamp that is fitted on the end of the 'brush preset' (these brushes are stored in the folder called 'brushes'). The terminology can be confusing at first (especially because in krita you edit the settings of the brush presets by using something called the 'Brush Editor' .....) |
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Thanks for the answer. It helped me much.
May Krita force be with you.
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Thanks for the answer. It helped me much. I like your stuff.
May Krita force be with you.
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I did it! Now my preset is in order. Used "Settings - Resource Management - Open Resource Folder - Paintoppresets". Deleted in paintoppresets list. Some of good brushes were deleted by mistake cause it was hard to identify the most of titles. But i noted the info about all the brushes i wanted to preserve (did it before cleaning up my brush stuff) So, i restored them rather easily. Making new brushes got some automatic copies. I deleted them from preset: click on icon and after that on trash can". And there wasn't return of the brush. PS. Cleaning results were seen after i reopened Krita.
May Krita force be with you.
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I glad you managed, and don't hesitate to come back and keep asking if you need, and thanks, lots of "my stuff" is done thanks to Krita! ![]()
Self educated by a very bad teacher!
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