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Reset Onion Skins?

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Reset Onion Skins?

Tue Apr 02, 2019 1:20 pm
I was exploring onion skins for the first time, (just started using Krita) and I messed up the opacity on some of my skins. Is there possibly a way to reset this? Thanks!
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Re: Reset Onion Skins?

Tue Apr 02, 2019 6:24 pm
Thank you. I'm assuming the values go in increments of 1/8 from 1/8 at 6 and 7 to 1/2 at 2, 1 and 0?
Registered Member

Re: Reset Onion Skins?  Topic is solved

Tue Apr 02, 2019 7:11 pm
On the Onion Skins docker, the numbers -10 to +10 will, when clicked, activate the onion skin for frame(n-10) to frame(n+10), where frame(n) is the currently selected frame. Clicking the number '0' will overide this and toggle every onion skin on/off. So, each of the possible onion skins has its individual on/off control with an overiding on/off toggle controlled by the '0' number.

Underneath each control number is a slider column, the height of which indicates the opacity of that onion skin. You can click-drag that column to adjust the opacity of the onion skin from 0% to 100 % (though is seems to have 20 discrete levels rather that being continuous). Column '0' is an overiding opacity control that adjusts the opacity of all onion skins. If you drag the opacity slider down to 0% it will turn off the onion skin and the column will be empty. If you click in an empty column, that will turn on that onion skin at an opacity determined by where exactly you clicked.

If the slider column is blue, the onion skin is turned on. If the slider column is black, the onion skin is turned off. This is in addition to the blue highlight of the number at the top of an active onion skin column and helps to give an 'at a glance' display of what the setting are. The columns -10, -9, -8, 8, 9, 10 seem to be empty but this is because the default (initial installation start up) settings are 0% opacity and 'off' for those frames. You can turn them on if you wish.

You can also adjust the tint of the onion skins with the Tint slider control and the colour buttons for Previous and Next frames.

When you've finished setting up the onion skins to be as you want them, you can dismiss the Onion Skins docker so it doesn't take up valuable screen space. You then turn them on an off using the lightbulb icon on the Layer entry line on the Timeline docker.


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