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Clip Studio Pen GPen seetings

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Clip Studio Pen GPen seetings

Sat Apr 06, 2019 2:03 pm
Hi all!

First and foremost, thank you for creating this amazing piece of software.

I've been using Clip Studio Paint Pro for a while for inking mostly, and recently I decided to give Krita a well deserved chance and so far I'm loving it. Now my problem, I'm using Krita 4.1.7 which I reckon it includes by default David Revoy's extraordinary brush-kit, and I've spent two days tweaking the brush settings, but I'm unable to tweak neither Ink-3 Gpen nor _Basic-5 (which I guess are the closest ones) to behave the same way as the CSP's default Gpen behaves. Somehow CSP's GPen stroke looks thinner but more solid and elegant, also the ends look chunkier in Krita and they are more difficult to obtain, CSP's GPen is also smoother by default, I don't know if they are using some sort of shape prediction in their stabiliser but the curves are increidibly smooth by default with no effort. Also for the stabiliser, no matter how I tweak krita's settings that it won't be as responsive as CSP's Stabiliser (with no pull string). I'm quite new to Krita and probably I'm missing something, so if somebody could please provide the brush and stabiliser settings to perfectly emulate CSP's GPen I'd be thankful? That is in case it can be done of course. Regardless, and once again, thank you for creating this amazing software! At it's current pace of evolution I'm sure I'll be able to replace soon my existing tools
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Re: Clip Studio Pen GPen seetings

Sat Apr 06, 2019 3:24 pm
I don't have experience with commercial software, but here are a couple of things to consider when you want to tweak brush presets on Krita.

-First, you should understand them as a group of settings and not a brush on their own. In fact in Krita the brush is called Preset and the tip of it Brush.

-You can tweak an existing brush preset or you can create one from scratch, you actually doing fine here by looking for the closest to the one you want to emulate from the other program and try to modify it, but don't follow just the name, the fact that you can find G-Pen in Krita doesn't means it should be similar to other software, there is no standardized naming, saying that, I can tell you that Revoy, Miranda and others artist/brush preset makers in Krita are really good at emulating real traditional media.

-Although you need to take in account the smoothing feature in Krita while creating/modifying a brush preset, this is not part of the preset itself, I recommend you to play first with different smoothing settings (none/basic/weighted/stabilizer) and once you fine your optimal stroke, then tweak a brush preset with the chosen smoothing.
(personally for inking I prefer stabilizer with no delay and 40-60 distance, for touch/coloring/texturing I rather no smoothing)

-The stroke itself can be tweaked from the brush settings, remember that you can change a preset temporally (while using it, or for the whole session while Krita is open) or permanently by overwriting the original or saving as new preset (this is probably what you want/need).
A preset thickness for example, can be set to follow your pen pressure, or angle, or random, etc, or any combination of these, play with the curve, etc.

It may be a bit overwhelming at first, after all Krita has a very robust Brush system, but it does has a learning curve that you need to tackle if you really want to find its potential, I also recommend reading the manual on this topic, and welcome to the club! :)

Self educated by a very bad teacher!
My Stuff
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Re: Clip Studio Pen GPen seetings

Sat Apr 06, 2019 3:53 pm
Thank you very much @Quiralta for the welcoming message and for your quick response (responsive community: +100 points!), and sorry for my poor understanding on Krita's terms. When I said brush I guess that I really meant the brush preset indeed, or to be clear, from my lack of experience in Krita, tweaking all the values in the brush editor (I reckon that's the name) that you get when you press F5. There I did change all values, brush tip, sources, patterns, modes, flows and every value that I could find to try to emulate CSP's behaviour for GPen, with no success. And don't get me wrong, Krita's Basic-5 (my favourite after going through all the available ones) and ink3 gpen are really good looking already, it's just that final something that makes CSP's gpen strokes look better, and specially behave better in terms of stabiliser, which I understand it's separate from the specific brush settings, but the user experience changes massively (in my opinion) from CSP's stabiliser to Krita's because of responsiveness and inexpensive smooth curves, also here I tried all possible combinations I could in two days without getting to that sweet spot in smoothness/responsiveness that CSP's stabiliser provides. That's why I was asking whether somebody had the magic recipe of brush preset and stabiliser values that hit the jackpot for CSP's GPen look-and-feel. Or maybe it's somewhere available for download/purchase?

P.S.: Also there is a chance that this is just me being weirdly picky and nobody else notices this difference after using both softwares? In that case please just ignore me :), in my eye though is so incredibly noticeable somehow.

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Re: Clip Studio Pen GPen seetings

Sat Apr 06, 2019 5:40 pm
Hey, no problem, no need to be apologetic about it, I'm also a regualr user, just happen to be here when you posted, we all started with our questions and concerns, specially coming from different software, :)

There is much more under the hood than one may think, thus the way software works on specific platform is a times very different from each other, even when they are meant for the same purpose like art software, they in fact may "communicate" differently with the OS, with the tablet drivers, graphic drivers etc. Thus, it may not necessarily be the presets, their settings or even the stabilizer that is at play here, could be many other mechanisms in the computer that don't play equally with all programs.

Hopefully someone with more experience with Windows and CSP can share some light into this, (I don't/haven't use either), I can only tell you that in my setup (linux) the strokes are smooth, quick and clean, but I paint in a very simplistic manner though.

Another couple of things you can look into is the "instant preview" make sure that is deactivated, for some people it just slow things down a bit. Also the color space and the bit depth, (probably doesn't apply to you though), if you have change to other than 300dpi or more than 8bit color profiles, or very big canvases, all of this can make the program slow and would seems as if is performing poorly.

I would lie to you if I would tell you that I figure out a smooth and responsive stroke right away, it took me quite a bit of experimenting till I got happy with it, I don't think there is a magic setting for this as different hardware/software behaves in different ways though,

Note: Krita is an open source software, and is full featured without anything additional, doesn't sells any extra software or itself, but does survive with donations and products sales, what I'm saying is that don't look for "extra optimizations" that you "can buy", that's not how this type of software works, some brush sets are for sale by their creators, but that's not related to Krita or the way it performs, Krita is the same for all its users. ;)

Self educated by a very bad teacher!
My Stuff
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Re: Clip Studio Pen GPen seetings

Sat Apr 06, 2019 6:01 pm
Thank you for the feedback, I actually heard that Krita performs a bit better on Linux which could definitely add up to the equation. I have also found a post (viewtopic.php?f=139&t=151391&p=395809&hilit=clip+manga#p395781) where David Revoy mentions that smoothing of the line ends is not yet supported in krita (it's from 2018 so it might be supported by now, but if not that might be part of my concern). I have also tried your stabiliser setup settings and while still not the same as CSP's it was certainly enjoyable :).

By "purchase" I certainly meant in terms of brush packs, or even better resource collections (just found them today :) ). Apparently you can pack full customisations of Krita with Resource collections, which could be really handy in order to tweak the application for users used to other applications. But in my opinion the best think you can do if you're planning to stick to a new piece of software is to learn it's defaults (and tweak it yourself), but hey, I also code in all sorts of IDEs and I drag the Vim keyboard scheme with me everywhere :).
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Well, I would say that in Linux, Krita just behaves normal as it should :D, I don't think there is a big performance difference though, if anything is gpu drivers, and hardware what really makes an impact.

The post you mention, I think like here, lots of things can add/subtract the problem, even back then, I personally could actually finish lines like the OP wanted, with some help of the smoothing feature but as Revoy mention, with your own pressure, which I think anyone can master after drawing with tablets for some time. I just notice, in that post, I have a different setting for the smoothing, I know things changed a bit on the drivers side and now I use a different value even when I have exactly the same hardware since then, the whole driver-device-pressure can be a times tricky to tame :) .

And yeah, the resource packs are quite the feature for Krita, and since its management is getting a fix for stability would be in short a very powerful one. Is good to hear you really giving Krita a fair try, hope you find more ways to achieve your desired workflow within, and if you do remember to share it with us. :)

Self educated by a very bad teacher!
My Stuff


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