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Button pressing behavior

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Button pressing behavior

Wed Apr 17, 2019 4:47 am
Hi, i recently switched to krita and manjaro linux from clip studio and windows. But there's something bothering me that happens when i assign a key to one of my tablet's buttons. Back on windows i used to assign one of these keys to the Pan function, so when i pressed and hold it i could pan the canvas by clicking and dragging or by doing a pen stroke, then when i let go of the button the program would switch back to the tool i was previously using. I can't get Krita to replicate this behavior, and i need to keep going back and forth between tools through shortcuts and this is very frustrating. I also used to do the same with one of my pen keys to assign to the eraser tool, so it would erase when i held the button pressed down.
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Re: Button pressing behavior

Wed Apr 17, 2019 8:00 am
Using a Wacom Intuos Paint tablet, I find that the pen front-rocker button activates the Pan Tool and the back rocker button behaves as right-click to bring up the popup palette. I use the Default settings in the shortcut schemes but I don't know if the tablet/pen mapping is affected by that. Usually, I press and hold the keyboard spacebar with my left hand if I want to pan when using the tablet/pen.

I thought that mapping tablet buttons for Wacom on Linux was a deeply technical activity where you edit configuration files associated with Wacom utilities, assuming you have those utilities installed. How are you assigning keys to your tablet buttons?

If you go to Settings -> Configure Krita -> Tablet settings and then Open Tablet Tester and use the pen to place the cursor over the grid area (but don't touch it), you can press your pen/tablet buttons to see what their 'B=x' number is but I've no idea how those numbers are used or can be used to vary any personal settings.

Krita doesn't have an eraser tool. It has some brush presets that behave as erasers (and are named as erasers) and it has the ability to make any brush preset toggle into 'Eraser Mode' (and back to normal again) by pressing the 'E' key or clicking the 'Set eraser mode' icon. Imagine if your paintbrush bristles were made of rubber, that's eraser mode. You could assign a pen key or tablet key to 'E' if you know how to do that.
Registered Member

Re: Button pressing behavior

Wed Apr 17, 2019 3:16 pm
I'm assigning keys to these buttons through the system settings in manjaro. I assigned one of the keys of my pen to a function that goes bacl and forth between two of my last used brush presets to workaround since i need one of these buttons to switch back to the brush tool every time i press the button to do a Pan. The spacebar also pans here but it stays on the Pan tool when i let go of the spacebar, the same way it happens to my tablet's button. If this key behaviour is not implemented i think it would be a great addition to Krita.


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