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How to create new brush preset?

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How to create new brush preset?

Thu Apr 25, 2019 11:58 am
Hi. I imported a lot of great new brushes to my Krita 4.1.7. It was easy to do it when i understood the principle. But i have a new need: I have so many brushes that i need to organize them. Several presets will help me (at least i expect it)
How do make a new preset? (Decided not to rely on casual probe)

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Re: How to create new brush preset?

Fri Apr 26, 2019 4:57 pm
The easiest and fastest way is to simply modify a brush preset that is already on Krita, then save it as a new one (change the name to avoid conflicts). Check the manual for a more detailed explanation and you can always ask more about it if you still need help :) ... ush-preset

Self educated by a very bad teacher!
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Re: How to create new brush preset?

Fri Apr 26, 2019 7:09 pm
Quiralta wrote:The easiest and fastest way is to simply modify a brush preset that is already on Krita, then save it as a new one (change the name to avoid conflicts). Check the manual for a more detailed explanation and you can always ask more about it if you still need help :) ... ush-preset

Thanks for the answer. Though i need to admit: I didn't mean that i want to make a new version of a brush - i mean to make several brush sets as in MyPaint. I thought that "Activate Preset" option is for this (I mean Preset 0, Preset 1...Preset 9) Can't expect better. PS. I made my brushes more organized, when tagged them.

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Re: How to create new brush preset?

Sat Apr 27, 2019 3:12 pm
Oh I see! you want to do a bundle then, grouping presets into a "package/s" that you can load/unload with ease? The bundle is the packaged group of brush presets.

The resource manager window (the one you likely used for loading other artist bundles) is where you can make one of your own, you usually will:
-select brush presets and their respective assets like
-selecting brush tips
-selecting patterns

This is because the preset doesn't bring its own brush tip/pattern with it so you have to manually select the ones it uses or simple select all, (but that makes a "chunky" bundle).

Is good that you are tagging brushes, make sure that the ones you want to bundle have the tags that you want as they (the tags) do get attached to the presets/brush tips you put in a bundle (same thing for tags in patterns and other assets).

The method is rather simple, push the button that says "Create bundle", and from there every thing is pretty much self explanatory.

If you only need around less than 10 presets for specific style of painting then the tags should suffice, a bundle would be an "overkill", thus, in the presets docker or in the pop-up-pallet you can select the tag you want to display and it will show only those presets, from there you can switch them as needed. check this ... own-bundle and this ... up-palette

For bundles check the manual for pictures and details ... own-bundle

Self educated by a very bad teacher!
My Stuff
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Re: How to create new brush preset?

Sun Apr 28, 2019 6:25 am
Quiralta wrote:Oh I see! you want to do a bundle then, grouping presets into a "package/s" that you can load/unload with ease? The bundle is the packaged group of brush presets.

The resource manager window (the one you likely used for loading other artist bundles) is where you can make one of your own, you usually will:
-select brush presets and their respective assets like
-selecting brush tips
-selecting patterns

This is because the preset doesn't bring its own brush tip/pattern with it so you have to manually select the ones it uses or simple select all, (but that makes a "chunky" bundle).

Is good that you are tagging brushes, make sure that the ones you want to bundle have the tags that you want as they (the tags) do get attached to the presets/brush tips you put in a bundle (same thing for tags in patterns and other assets).

The method is rather simple, push the button that says "Create bundle", and from there every thing is pretty much self explanatory.

If you only need around less than 10 presets for specific style of painting then the tags should suffice, a bundle would be an "overkill", thus, in the presets docker or in the pop-up-pallet you can select the tag you want to display and it will show only those presets, from there you can switch them as needed. check this ... own-bundle and this ... up-palette

For bundles check the manual for pictures and details ... own-bundle

Thanks for the answer. It's very useful.

May Krita force be with you.


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