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Show selection size

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Show selection size

Mon May 20, 2019 1:47 pm

I can't seem to find an option to show how big current selection is. For example, if I'm using a rectangular selection tool, I'd like to be able to see how tall and wide the current selection is, in pixels. Is this feature available?

Thank you!
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KDE Developer

Re: Show selection size

Mon May 20, 2019 1:53 pm
hover over the tiny icon in the bottomleft, it should show the current selection size as a tooltip.
Registered Member

Re: Show selection size

Mon May 20, 2019 1:58 pm
TheraHedwig wrote:hover over the tiny icon in the bottomleft, it should show the current selection size as a tooltip.

Okay, this is something, thank you. But is there a way to get this displayed in real-time somewhere? I'd like to be able to check how much I'm selecting as I am doing it...
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Re: Show selection size  Topic is solved

Mon May 20, 2019 4:29 pm
There is a 'trick' that you can do if you want real time feedback of the selection size:

Make a new layer above the layers of interest and set its opacity to about 50%. Choose the basic brush with size 1px.
Set foreground colour to white. Select the Rectangle drawing tool and set Fill to foreground colour in the Tool Options docker. Draw a white rectangle over the area to be selected. You'll see the content underneath because the rectangle layer is at 50% opacity. (You'll need to have a background that is not white, such as a pale yellow or grey so you can see the white rectangle).

As you draw the rectangle, the Tool Options docker will give real-time readings of its width and height. If you want, you can then use the Move tool to reposition it and get real-time x/y position information about it. If you get it wrong, delete it an make another one.

Then do Layer -> Convert -> to Selection Mask. This will create a selection mask corresponding to the white rectangle, as can be seen by toggling the selection icon on the bottom-left. This method will not show the 'marching ants' though.
Registered Member

Re: Show selection size

Mon May 20, 2019 4:55 pm
ahabgreybeard wrote:There is a 'trick' that you can do if you want real time feedback of the selection size:

Make a new layer above the layers of interest and set its opacity to about 50%. Choose the basic brush with size 1px.
Set foreground colour to white. Select the Rectangle drawing tool and set Fill to foreground colour in the Tool Options docker. Draw a white rectangle over the area to be selected. You'll see the content underneath because the rectangle layer is at 50% opacity. (You'll need to have a background that is not white, such as a pale yellow or grey so you can see the white rectangle).

As you draw the rectangle, the Tool Options docker will give real-time readings of its width and height. If you want, you can then use the Move tool to reposition it and get real-time x/y position information about it. If you get it wrong, delete it an make another one.

Then do Layer -> Convert -> to Selection Mask. This will create a selection mask corresponding to the white rectangle, as can be seen by toggling the selection icon on the bottom-left. This method will not show the 'marching ants' though.

Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for - it never occured to me to actually look in Tool Properties =)
Registered Member

Re: Show selection size

Mon May 20, 2019 5:13 pm
I'm sorry - I had a total brain failure there (It's been a long hard day).

The Tool Options docker shows the selection size as you drag/select with the selection tool. You don't need to create a selection using the method I described. (What I described does work for any arbitrary selection mask made of multiple random shapes that can be drawn/painted.)


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