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Pen pressure.

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Pen pressure.

Wed Jun 19, 2019 4:52 pm
So I'm completely new to digital art and art in general.

Got my wacom intuos s. And played around with it.

Works fine except, pen pressure.

I get a blue and red line when Im using Tablet tester


Code: Select all
Stylus press X=78.97 Y=37.87 B=1 P=91.2%
Mouse press X=78 Y=37 B=1
Stylus move X=78.97 Y=37.87 B=1 P=94.0% (DRAW)
Stylus move X=78.97 Y=37.87 B=1 P=95.3% (DRAW)
Stylus move X=78.97 Y=37.87 B=1 P=96.1% (DRAW)
Stylus move X=78.97 Y=37.87 B=1 P=96.8% (DRAW)
Stylus move X=78.97 Y=37.87 B=1 P=97.3% (DRAW)
Stylus move X=78.97 Y=37.87 B=1 P=97.7% (DRAW)
Stylus move X=78.97 Y=37.87 B=1 P=98.0% (DRAW)
Stylus move X=77.96 Y=36.73 B=1 P=98.5% (DRAW)
Mouse move X=77 Y=36 B=1
Stylus move X=76.95 Y=36.73 B=1 P=98.7% (DRAW)
Mouse move X=76 Y=36 B=1
Stylus move X=75.56 Y=36.73 B=1 P=99.0% (DRAW)
Mouse move X=75 Y=36 B=1
Stylus move X=73.66 Y=36.73 B=1 P=99.1% (DRAW)
Mouse move X=73 Y=36 B=1
Stylus move X=71.52 Y=36.73 B=1 P=99.2% (DRAW)
Mouse move X=71 Y=36 B=1
Stylus move X=68.86 Y=36.73 B=1 P=99.4% (DRAW)
Mouse move X=68 Y=36 B=1
Stylus move X=66.08 Y=37.18 B=1 P=99.4% (DRAW)
Mouse move X=66 Y=37 B=1
Stylus move X=63.05 Y=38.09 B=1 P=99.5% (DRAW)

How do I enable it?

Im on windows 10 btw, newest wacom driver installed.

Read online and watched YT videos, but I just can't figure it out ;D
Registered Member

Re: Pen pressure.  Topic is solved

Wed Jun 19, 2019 6:46 pm
That looks like a cosmetically updated version of my Intuous Art tablet. The tablet tester is showing almost maximum pressure all the time.
In the Tablet Settings, I assume the Input Pressure Global Curve is showing nice gentle 'S' shaped transfer curve?

In the Wacom Set-Up/Utility/Control application, does it show a full and proper pressure range?

The Wacom Utilty has an 'application profile' feature where you can set up a different configuration for different applications (it auto-detects the application in use) and if you don't set one up for a particular application then it just uses some kind of 'default' settings.

I found that I had to set up a profile for krita, but didn't have to make any specific settings changes, before it would work properly. So, can you try that to see if it helps.
Registered Member

Re: Pen pressure.

Wed Jun 19, 2019 7:06 pm
I tried different stuff in krita to see if i can get it to work, and I set the pressure curve on the brush I was using to an S to see if it changed something, but nothing.

Yes, when i press the pen against the tablet the meter goes all the way up.

I will try to make a profile in the wacom utility tomorrow for Krita to see if it works, thanks!

Making a profile for Krita in the Wacom utility fixed my problem thanks!


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