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Order of brushes on Popup Palette don't match Docker

Tags: None
(comma "," separated)
Registered Member
I hadn't really tried to use the Popup docker until today. I noticed that the brushes on the palette are not in the same order as on the docker. That wouldn't be that big a deal if the docker was small enough to have all the brushes on it show up in the Popup. I know I can increase the number that show in the Popup, but I found that I didn't want more than 10 in there at a time.

I had assumed that it would grab the first 10 from the docker but you can see from the image below that doesn't seem to be the case.


Anyone else seen this behavior? Am I missing something in a setting?

Thanks for any help
Registered Member
The brush presets shown in the popup palette are determined by the tag chosen. If you click the small icon that looks like a tag, you can choose which brushes are put in there. The idea is that you set up your own tags to customise what is shown. You can choose one of the existing tags and then as many brush presets with that tag as can be fitted in will be shown. I don't know how it decides which ones not to show if there are too many in a tag group.


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