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setting up new device

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setting up new device

Tue Jun 25, 2019 7:49 pm

can someone please help - i can see krita on my mac screen, but not showing up on the xp pen artist 12 display monitor. how do you connect the mac screen to the x pen tablet screen?
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Re: setting up new device

Wed Jun 26, 2019 3:57 pm
If there's anybody here who uses the xp pen artist 12 on a Mac and if they read this, they might be able to help you.

Have you tried reading the manual, searching for YouTube review/tutorial videos or looking for Mac or xp pen user forums?
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Re: setting up new device

Sat Jun 29, 2019 3:14 am
I too just got the Xp-Artist 12, but I do not use a mac. I did have an issue at first making my monitor connect to the tablet. For windows you have to go to screen resolution and under the option for "multiple displays", you need to change it to extend these displays instead of duplicating them. You then would have to also make sure you downloaded the appropriate driver on the Xp-Artist website. Once its installed goto the program that called for windows, "PenTablet", and near the top there an option for current screen. Change that to whichever monitor has your second display. I switched between a few of the options in the current screen tab before it appeared. I understand this may not be the same for a mac, but if I remember correctly I found all this out through YouTube videos, so it seems likely YouTube would also have something for Mac if this doesn't help.

Also for windows I have to make the window that I am moving to the other screen movable, then drag it to the far right beyond my primary monitor and the tablet if setup correctly shows the window im dragging on the tablet as I am dragging it. As if it was literally an extension of my first screen.


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