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Removing the brush direction thumbnail

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Hello, I am new to digital art, and have an annoying image right below where I touch the screen showing the brushes current direction on the screen that I would like to remove.

I am using Krita and a XP-Artist 12 drawing monitor.

To describe the brush thumbnail that I am talking about more, for the default brush for a marker it shows a kind of jagged horizontal line about an inch wide. It is located where I touch on the screen and right below the circle or dot that I see most people on YouTube only having. Is there a way to remove it? I downloaded Corel Painter and it does not have it, so I assume it is a Krita specific "feature".

I have tried to look through brush settings, general display settings, and even the pen options from my control panel. None of these options seem to have anything related to what I see when I touch the screen. I also had an annoying drag page icon pop up when press-hold-dragging the pen, but was able to get that off through the control panel I believe.

I have scoured the internet for anything like it and simply cannot find anything about it. I even went to twitch creative artist chat rooms and someone mentioned they had that complaint about Krita too, but just learned to ignore it. I do not want to ignore it, because it simply is always where I want to be seeing clearly. Can anyone help?!
Registered Member
Is this the outline shape of the brush preset you're painting with?
Settings -> Configure Krita -> General group -> Cursor tab: Outline Shape Try choosing 'No Outline'

Also, if you have time, you may be able to advise someone here: viewtopic.php?f=139&t=161346
Registered Member
That was it thank you. I had to make the "cursor shape" a small circle, then the "outline shape" to circle outline, and then I left the "show brush outline while painting" checkbox on. Thank you!


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