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Jittery lines

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Jittery lines

Thu Jul 04, 2019 7:25 pm
I got a problem with jittery lines in Krita the further I am zoom out the more jittery the lines becomes which is understandable but if you look at this. Example: Image the first line is zoom out about 25% zoom, the 2nd was at 50% zoom, the third was at 500%. Drawing at 500% zoom all the time is very impractical and tedious. I also like to mention I don't really notice this problem on my laptop. unfortunately my laptop dead recently so I been forced to work on my desktop. My desktop is far more powerful of a rig, with newer hardware and software, which only make this problem more strange. The drawing tablet I use is the same between my laptop and desktop. My laptop was running window 7 and my desktop is running the latest windows 10 version. I have the same configuration for krita on both devices. I have also tried turning on/off canvas acceleration/using opengl but that made no difference what so ever. Does anyone else have this issue and know how to fix it?

P.s. brush stabilization does seem to help a bit but I really dislike the delay with it, just want to be able to draw on my desktop like I did with my previous laptop.
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Re: Jittery lines  Topic is solved

Fri Jul 05, 2019 7:49 pm
It is strange because you're using the same tablet. I assume you're using the same tablet drivers and the same version of krita as you were on the laptop as well as the same configuration files. Which tablet are you using and which version of krita?

Did you notice this before when you used krita and that tablet on your desktop machine or was it definitely ok?

You could try uninstalling then reinstalling your tablet drivers on the Windows 10 machine. It would be a good idea to check if the tablet maker has an updated driver available. Windows 10 updates have a habit of messing up tablet drivers. You'd then have to set up your tablet control utility settings again.

You could try disabling/enabling Windows Ink.

As a long shot, you could go into Settings -> Configure Krita -> Tablet settings and switch it from Wintab to Windows 8. That sounds crazy but it fixed a recent problem for me in a Windows 10 system.
Registered Member

Re: Jittery lines

Sat Jul 06, 2019 4:07 am
ahabgreybeard wrote:It is strange because you're using the same tablet. I assume you're using the same tablet drivers and the same version of krita as you were on the laptop as well as the same configuration files. Which tablet are you using and which version of krita?

Did you notice this before when you used krita and that tablet on your desktop machine or was it definitely ok?

You could try uninstalling then reinstalling your tablet drivers on the Windows 10 machine. It would be a good idea to check if the tablet maker has an updated driver available. Windows 10 updates have a habit of messing up tablet drivers. You'd then have to set up your tablet control utility settings again.

You could try disabling/enabling Windows Ink.

As a long shot, you could go into Settings -> Configure Krita -> Tablet settings and switch it from Wintab to Windows 8. That sounds crazy but it fixed a recent problem for me in a Windows 10 system.

Thank you for suggesting a driver update for my tablet. After going to the tablet manufacturer website and downloading/installing the latest version firmware. The jittery lines went away.


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