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No more pressure sensativity?

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No more pressure sensativity?

Sun Jul 07, 2019 12:45 am

I use Krita on a Surface Pro 4 and the pen for it has always worked seamlessly and never been a problem until a few weeks ago. I'm just a hobby artist, so it wasn't high on my list to figure it out, but it wasn't any sort of setting I changed, it just sort of showed up this way after booting it up. I've rooted through the settings and tried every brush and tool and it just seems that Krita won't recognize the pen the way it used to. The pen also has an eraser side that used to work as a separate tool (mainly the eraser tool lol) but now Krita assigns the same tool to both sides, no matter what I do. The pen works fine in other programs, like the default ones on the laptop. Due to the circumstance, I think it might have been an update and maybe there's nothing I can do about it... I hope not though! Any ideas?

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Re: No more pressure sensativity?

Sun Jul 07, 2019 1:04 am
Windows updates have a tendency to break the tablet drivers, see if reinstalling and resetting it solves the issue. The manual outlines some things to try: ... ng-windows

In Krita itself under Configure Krita > Tablet Settings you'll find a tablet tester. Draw into the input field that opens with your tablet pen, if the line appears blue (instead of red for mouse input) and you see the pressure values in the log (P=) scaling from 0 to 100%, communication with the tablet works. If not, try switching the tablet input API setting there and restart Krita.

As for the eraser, while you're using the eraser tip of the pen make sure the eraser mode is enabled on the brush you selected - toggle the icon in the top toolbar or press E. Krita should remember separate brush settings for the eraser and the regular tip, unless you're running into this bug:


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