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Adding effects to stamps and brushes

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Hello All,

I am currently using Krita 4.2 and love it. I have imported some customs brushes from people like David Revoy and others. I really like the glow brush I have from these and what I am interested in learning how to do, is add things like a glow effects to other brushes and stamps. I am working to figure out how to create a snowflake type brush and add a glow effect to it. Anyone who might be able to help me figure out how to do this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Registered Member
You need to learn how to use the Brush Editor (which is really a brush preset editor): ... ushes.html
In general just read the manual and experiment with the settings. After you've made all sorts of changes and adjustments to a brush preset, you can reload it's original settings with a button click. If you like what you've done then you can save your changes as a new brush preset with a different name. Any brush preset can be played with in this way. Be careful though because you can spend ages in there chasing cool effects.

The glow effect, from what I can see, is made by setting the brush blending mode to Addition. The amount of glow depends on the spacing setting of the brush and the 'density' of the brush tip. You could edit the existing glow effect brush presets to change their brush tip to any one of the many predefined tips that are available as part of the standard installation and those that you've added via imported bundles. I've just done that and you can get some nice looking effects especially if you add some random rotation (Fuzzy Dab in the Rotation settings) when the brush tip has an angular or irregular shape.

You can make your own brush tips by creating a .png image using a greyscale colour space with the brush pattern as black on white background and then put it in the Brushes folder in your resources folder: ... ces-stored A 200 x 200 px image or bigger would be needed for a complex and detailed image like a snowflake. Google Images has loads of pictures of snowflakes, both photographic and clipart.

The Brush Editor has a steep and long learning curve but it's not too difficult and it's very capable and flexible in there. Take your time and enjoy learning how to use it :)


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