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Brush stops after every stroke

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Brush stops after every stroke

Mon Aug 05, 2019 3:31 am
I'm having a problem with my tablet (Huion H610Pro) where if I'm drawing something, it'll only let me do 1 stroke before freezing. The only way I can fix this is by moving the pen down to somewhere outside of the canvas, and then back on. I was using a very old version of Krita when the problem started, so I went and downloaded the newest version, and the problem persists. Before I got the new version, it was having another problem with brushes, where it wouldn't move until I dragged the pen some distance, but that problem was fixed with an update. This shouldn't be a problem with the tablet, since I checked by doing the same thing in FireAlpaca, and didn't see any issues. Has anyone else had this problem or know how to fix it?
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Re: Brush stops after every stroke

Tue Aug 06, 2019 6:59 am
You were using a very old version (which version?) of krita when the problem started. Did the problem start after some time of using that old version with no problems?

The newest version is 4.2.5. Is that the version you now have?

You had another problem that was fixed with an update. Was that an update to your operating system or to your tablet driver?
Which operating system are you using?


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