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Glitching Brush

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Glitching Brush

Mon Aug 05, 2019 8:28 pm

So I'm fairly new to this program and I feel like it has a ton of potential but I've encountered a problem. When I try to paint, the brush sometimes glitches. It happens at random and seems to get worse the bigger the file becomes. For example, opening a new file I hardly noticed it it first, but when trying to work on an animation I had previously begun to sketch out in photoshop, the problem became more evident. Here are a couple example images of what I'm experiencing:
Image Image
The attempted circle on the top is from a brand new file. A bit glitchy, but this strange affect doesn't always occur. The attempted circle on the bottom is from a much bigger animation file. Now this is a much more ridiculous result. Believe it or not, both attempts were done with a single, circular movement of the hand and yet the brush glitches out of control. I can get smooth lines, but every once and awhile, the brush has a mind of its own; straightening out, looping around, or jumping completely across the page. I've tested it and it seems to be happening with all of the brushes, but it becomes more prominent when using a pen brush. This does remind of an issue I've had before in Photoshop but usually restarting the program, my tablet, or my laptop fixes the problem. I've done all of the above at this point but no significant changes have happened.

For some reference, I'm currently using a Huion Camvas GT-191. It's almost two years old at this point but it still works fine. I have no other tablets available to test out and see if the issue is with other tablets as well. I have a macOS Sierra 10.12.6 MacBook Pro Early 2011. Yes, this was a bad year for Macs and the computer did struggle in it's early days quite a bit when my mom used it as her work computer but she had it fixed up for me like new right before I went off to college (also about two years ago. It was cheaper than buying me a brand new Mac). Anyways, here's some further info on the laptop that might mean something to someone else but I don't really understand: Processor - 2 GHz Intel Core i7, Memory - 8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3, Graphics - AMD Radeon HD 6490M 256 MB Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB.

I have noticed the note about my particular tablet working with a provided driver on the Krita Manual List of Supported Tablets, but that driver is for Linux, not Mac? Not sure if it would actually work with my computer. And again, the tablet has worked fine with my laptop and current driver, so it seems to be an issue communicating with this particular program. If someone has an answer or suggestions, please let me know. I really want this program to work and I'm hoping there's a simple solution.



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