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criz-nazy blank menus, dead shortcuts, krita nigh unusable

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i woke up today and opened krita to this. almost no shortcuts work anymore (ctrl+y is the only one i could find that actually works), and i can't figure out what the hell is going on in the menus anymore. also the pen sensitivity is broken because why the hell wouldn't it be.

this super-duper sucks because i use krita on a daily basis at this point and have no other programs with similar workflows, as well as no other programs with my brush presets. i would really appreciate some help with this!

what i have tried:
restarting my computer
reinstalling krita
installing older versions of krita
deleting the "krita" files in the local and roaming folders of %appdata%, then reinstalling krita
changing the display scaling in Windows settings
changing the size of the krita window
messing with every setting in krita's display preferences


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