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Krita crashed--lost work

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Krita crashed--lost work

Fri Aug 23, 2019 3:40 am
Hey, all! ;D

I was working on some animations when Krita suddenly crashed on me. I'm not sure what happened, but the last 5+ hours worth of work was lost, except for the last five minutes or so before it crashed. Anyone know what might have happened or if I could possibly recover all of that lost progress?? No auto-save option was available, but all of that work had just been saved like two minutes before it all happened, so I have no idea how it all got lost? I was simply trying to replay my animation, which was when it happened.

Thank you!!

Registered Member

Re: Krita crashed--lost work

Fri Aug 23, 2019 12:26 pm
When you say, "...all of that work had just been saved like two minutes before it all happened, ...", do you mean that you performed a manual Save action or that you saw the auto-save notification on the status bar?

Can you see the backup file which is called filename.kra~ ? You may need to enable your file explorer/manager to show hidden files in order to see this. If so, this should contain the state of filename.kra before the last manual Save. In your case, if you didn't do manual Saves, this is probably the state at five hours previously.
You can rename that backup file to filename-old.kra and open it to see what it contains.
Registered Member

Re: Krita crashed--lost work

Fri Aug 23, 2019 10:57 pm
Hi! Thanks for your reply. Yes, I manually saved everything before Krita crashed. As soon as I re-opened Krita, I looked for any other files that may have been an autosave version, but nothing else showed up. How do I enable my file explorer/manager to show those hidden files?
Thanks again!
Registered Member

Re: Krita crashed--lost work  Topic is solved

Sat Aug 24, 2019 7:49 am
Using Windows, at the top of your File Explorer window, there are three tabs called Home, Share and View. On the View tab at the right hand side is a check box called 'Hidden items'. If you put a tick in that box then hidden items (files and folders) will be shown. You also need 'File name extensions' ticked so that you can see the full name of the file.

If you manually Save your work then the autosave file is deleted. If there is an autosave file then it will be in C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Temp

The facilities for autosaving and backup files are quite flexible and complicated and can be adjusted to suit your requirements. This is explained in the manual:

I suggest that you explore these options by making a new file and making changes to it and Save it and wait for autosave and with krita still open you use File Explorer to see the formation of the backup files and autosave files.

If you do long sessions of work then it may be a good idea to regularly do Save Incremental Version or Save Incremental Backup.
Registered Member

Re: Krita crashed--lost work

Wed Aug 28, 2019 10:44 pm
Hi! Sorry for a super late reply! (busy week) Thanks for your help! I wasn't able to find the previous version (that may be because I had made new changes by then), but this is really good to know for future work! I'll try to save more frequently (even more than what I'm already doing haha). I super appreciate your thorough answer! Thank you again so much!



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