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Krita Crashes When Closing File

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Krita Crashes When Closing File

Mon Sep 02, 2019 4:32 am
Again, Krita crashes whenever I go to close the file I am working on.

I cannot seem to find any resources in this forum or online that address this issue.

Has anyone else experienced this issue and can help me resolve it or knows of a resource that can help me with this?
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KDE Developer

Re: Krita Crashes When Closing File

Mon Sep 02, 2019 7:12 am
If you experience a crash, then you need to report a bug. Your avatar image suggests you're using windows, so follow ... ugger.html to make a good backtrace to go with your bug report. See ... _bugs.html on how to make a proper bug report.
Registered Member

Re: Krita Crashes When Closing File

Mon Sep 02, 2019 4:55 pm
boudewijn wrote:If you experience a crash, then you need to report a bug. Your avatar image suggests you're using windows, so follow ... ugger.html to make a good backtrace to go with your bug report. See ... _bugs.html on how to make a proper bug report.

Thank you for that information and the relevant links. I will work on getting that backtrace and turning in that bug report.

One quick question, how does one easily find replies to the topics they start? To be honest, I rarely use forums and am not familiar with the KDE forum here. It's similar in some ways to another forum with which I have a slight familiarity but different in other ways. I looked for some kind of notification area to no avail and only happened to stumble upon your reply to my topic here after finally deciding to check the "View your posts" page.
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Re: Krita Crashes When Closing File

Mon Sep 02, 2019 5:59 pm
If you're logged in and go to the 'Logged in as usename' dropdown list at the top right, the User Control Panel option has various things you can alter for your preferences on the forum. In Board Preferences -> Edit Posting Defaults you can set 'Notify me upon replies by default' to Yes.

I don't know what this does exactly because I've never set it to Yes but you can try it to see if it's useful for you. It sounds like it should be, in some way.
Registered Member

Re: Krita Crashes When Closing File

Mon Sep 02, 2019 8:14 pm
boudewijn wrote:If you experience a crash, then you need to report a bug. Your avatar image suggests you're using windows, so follow ... ugger.html to make a good backtrace to go with your bug report. See ... _bugs.html on how to make a proper bug report.

I reported the bug:

Though, there was nothing in the kritacrash.log file about these events. But I included it anyway since it may contain useful information besides likely recording some initial crashes from the OpenGL setting that I must adjust with each new iteration of Krita.
Registered Member

Re: Krita Crashes When Closing File

Mon Sep 02, 2019 8:15 pm
ahabgreybeard wrote:If you're logged in and go to the 'Logged in as usename' dropdown list at the top right, the User Control Panel option has various things you can alter for your preferences on the forum. In Board Preferences -> Edit Posting Defaults you can set 'Notify me upon replies by default' to Yes.

I don't know what this does exactly because I've never set it to Yes but you can try it to see if it's useful for you. It sounds like it should be, in some way.

Thank you for that information. I went through and checked that setting and a few others while I was there. Not sure what it or the others will do, though. I suppose I will find out soon enough... :))
Registered Member

Re: Krita Crashes When Closing File

Sat Sep 28, 2019 7:56 pm
UPDATE: It turns out that the main issue is that my computer cannot handle Canvas Acceleration whatsoever. Turning that off resolved the abovementioned issue I was experiencing.

Another problem seems to have arisen from having installed 32-bit versions of Krita alongside 64-bit versions of Krita on my 64-bit system. (The portable versions I had used may well have been a factor as well.) This seems to have "corrupted" one or more of the files Krita stores in the Windows 10 %localappdata% folder that new installations use to automatically set up, at the least, some of the display settings, such as whether to turn of Canvas Acceleration altogether or chose one of the CA options.

While not the ideal way to troubleshoot the issue, I removed all the Krita associated files from the %localappdata% folder and did a "clean" install of Krita. (By "clean" I mean I used a third party program to uninstall Krita that also searched for and deleted any registry entries and the leftover folders and files installed in the Programs folder.) This allowed the new Krita install to automatically turn off Canvas Acceleration thus resolving said issue.

Not sure if that is the best of explanations. So, in short, if anyone reading this encounters this same issue, turn of Canvas Acceleration. That will likely resolve the matter.


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