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A couple newbie questions

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A couple newbie questions

Wed Sep 11, 2019 1:01 am
Trying to change from Photoshop to Krita

1- scaling down a layer with transform, seems can't choose pixels measurement have only percentage. Doing some mistake? Another option?

2- scaling down a layer, what interpolation i can choose that the border edges are hard w/ no transparency - but that the internal pixels blend.

3-copy pasting an irregular selection from Photoshop, Krita builds a rectangle filling the "missing" with white. Any solution to only paste what i selected?

4- is it possible to change how in the scale width+length in transform works, instead of tiny arrows just have a sliding band like in other menus?

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Re: A couple newbie questions

Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:37 am
1. If you do Layer -> Transform -> Scale Layer to new Size then you have measurment in pixels, percentage and other things too.

2. I don't think you can have both qualities. You have to choose the method that gives you the best overall result. If this is causing problems and is critical to you, you could try doing two separate transforms on copies of the same image and then manually blending them by painting on a transparency layer. This would be very tedious, error prone and not at all repeatable. Somebody else may know an easier/better method.

3. I don't get this effect when copy/pasting from an irregular selection in Gimp on Linux so it may be a Photoshop thing or it may be a Windows thing, I don't know. A workaround would be to isolate the selection in Photoshop and export it as a .png then open the .png image in krita and copy/paste it to your working image.

4. It's possible but it would involve development work at the functional level and the UI level. The small team of developers have their hands full at the moment with bug-fixes and other things. You can float the idea in the Krita Development forum section and see what comments come back or you can jump in and raise it as a Wishlist bug at where it would join the queue along with the crash-bugs, functional-bugs and the other wishlist-bugs.
It's interesting and instructive to look at the bug reports. Twenty eight were raised in the past seven days.


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