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Using Krita impossible.

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Using Krita impossible.

Thu Sep 26, 2019 12:08 pm
I have an older Mac running 10.11 and sadly it can not run OSX 10.12, so I can not use any version of Krita after 4.1.7.
This is too bad because I need the newer features of 4.2+ to really do what I want.
So I will have to return to Affinity Photo which will run all new updates on systems old or new 10+ and up to the latest Mac OS.
I wish Krita would run on My 10.11 system but I see no hope for the future of Krita updates with this ability.
Having to buy a new computer is out of the question.
So Krita free for all is actually free for rich people with new computers. Cutting out us poor folks.
I hope they could fix this but I don't think they will.
Thanks for the software but I have to go with what works.

OSX El Capitan Ver 10.11.6


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