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Hey all, i'm a Krita student. I have an issue, and question. Hope i'm at right place to share these.
Problem: Today i checked my new & imported brushes at Brush Preset Screen, and i tagged them as "RM". After a while, i realized that they already have a original tag as "RM_SKetch". Then, i selected RM tag, and clicked "remove this tag" option for all brushes there. Then, turned back to original tag, named RM_SKetch, and saw that there is not any brushes(1). When i search one of the tagged brush(RM_Pencil_...), the brush preset screen showed me that its available, but not in RM_SKetch tag(this tag is in the list of ALL/Digital/etc).(PLUS: When i right click on "searched RM_Pencil.. brush" and come on "remove from other tag" = it showed me option to remove the brush from a tag named: "RM_SKetch" :S So, its like in there, but not showing in the tag. To Sum Problem: Brush Tags is not working well for me, brushes disappering in tag. Using Krita version 4.2.7 Win10 64 https://i.imgyukle.com/2019/10/03/EopqwU.png https://i.imgyukle.com/2019/10/03/Eoga5y.png https://i.imgyukle.com/2019/10/03/Eogjg8.png https://i.imgyukle.com/2019/10/03/EocwZG.png Edit for the problem: Restarted Krita, disappered brushes are back. They are all in RM_SKetch seems OK, but suspiciously..Now.. There is two "my favorites" selection at brush preset screen, and one has some brushes, other one is empty.. There was just one "my favorites" just before restart. Edit 2/Restart 2: After one more restart, i realized that if i remove a created tag, tag brushes or selections go crazy TILL I RESTART Krita. If im not wrong, thats it. a little Question: I was not sure about my original brushes that if they are changed or not.. So tried to reset all brushes, and read doc.krita.. Found that restoring to default possible for them.. I couldnt understand all of the description. I already removed all inside "paintoppresets" folder, but can't get last sentence here: https://i.imgyukle.com/2019/10/03/EoB8d0.png Where is the blacklist file, and i already removed "paintoppresets"'s inside, from explanation one sentence before the last sentence. Do i need to edit something to remove that folder/or insides again? Am i restored all brushes to default already for now? |
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Am I correct in thinking that you got these RM_SKetch brush presets from a bundle?
Problems with tags should not affect your brush presets, except to make them not be listed in the brush presets docker when filtering by tags in some situations. They should still appear in the All tag listing. The process you refer to here: https://i.imgur.com/d7JEL2y.jpg is for restoring a brush preset that was accidentally changed or deleted by use of the Brush Editor. If you've been into the resources folder and deleted contents from the paintoppresets folder then you may have removed some brush presets that you'd previously installed as .kpp files. What did you remove from the paintoppresets folder? You may be able to restore them from the Trash if you haven't emptied it. (If you ever try to make manual changes to the contents of the resources sub-folders or files, you should first make a backup copy of the entire folder so that you can restore it if you have problems due to the changes that you make. It's also a good idea to make a backup copy of the kritarc configuration file for later restoration in case of problems.) In the past, I've found that I needed to restart krita after changes to tags but that hasn't happened with recent releases and I've tried deleting tags and remaking them and had no problems with the latest version. |
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Yes, it's a bundle. And, yes, i deleted all inside the folder.. I want to be sure that i restored all original brushes( i can create my -few- brushes again ). The thing is if i'm done with restoring process? Removing the folder's inside(with backup in case of cover some).. The description at the link is not clear for me.. Am i okey with restoring brushes to default with removing folder's inside?
Well, i did see tag problems with lastest version, but restarting Krita fixes them. |
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If you've deleted the contents of the paintoppresets folder, then it would be a good idea to delete the kis_paintoppresets.blacklist file (this is at the bottom of the resources folder list in your file manager). It will be recreated the next time it needs to be used. This may result in some previously deleted bundle brush presets returning but you can delete them again later.
The default brush presets (and other default resources) are stored in a different place and are recreated every time krita is started so it's impossible to delete them permanently. For a total reset to default you can delete the entire resources folder and start again then reimport your bundles etc. The entire resources management system is being worked on to deal with the types of problem that you've had but this will take time. It's not a good idea to fix problems by editing/modifying the contents of the resources folders and files, unless you want to have an interesting learning experience. |
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Experiencing the same issues. Krita version 4.2.8 on Windows 10.
Custom brushes are not part of this issue for me as I have none. I reproduced a surprising number of issues in this area when I tried deleting the My Favorites folder, creating a folder called Useful, then deleting the other default folders. I believe I opened and closed the dropdown a few times to get to this point. That's when these issues started. There are some bad UI sync issues here, but also some issues wherein changes are not actually saved. Here's the list of distinct issues I've seen in this area: 1. Overwriting current brush settings to the brush itself will make it disappear from brush groups until you restart Krita. 2. I had removed a number of brushes that simply came back after restarting Krita. There is a save button near the searchbox, but it doesn't have to do with saving changes to the brush. 3. When I started deleting brush groups, the others became visually empty. I imagine this comes back after restarting Krita. 4. After creating a brush tag, the selected option in the dropdown for which tag I'm viewing (Favorites, usually) became blank as if cleared. The dropdown had the new tag as an option, but I had to click it. 5. All the dropdown options managed to duplicate themselves so now it reads like Ink, Ink, Favorites, Favorites, etc. Upon simply switching apps and coming back to Krita, the duplicates were still present, but in a random order in the dropdown and Ink only appeared once. |
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Updating to 4.2.9 would be a good idea on general principle.
'*My favourites', etc are not folders, they are tags. I realise this may sound pedantic (and I can be, with good reason) but I start twitching and having traumatic flashbacks when people talk about deleting folders (which are very different and very important things). The entire area of making tags, assigning presets to tags, etc has some 'papercuts' in the UI and the operation. These are well known and subject to formal bug reports. The entire Resources management and presentation is being reworked at the moment and will be updated into a new and improved system in the future. For now, it is possible, by various methods, to get into a very confusing state as you seem to have found out. For all the points you've raised, these are known about and will be fixed one day, it is hoped. For your point 2. The tooltip for that button tells you that it saves the search filtered set as members of the current tag. Saving any changes you've made to the brush preset is something you do in the brush editor. |
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I understand this is known to be broken right now from your prev. response to the OP as well, though I was thinking it may be useful to log all the issues I saw. Glad to hear they're all in the bug tracker already. Hope someone fixes it one day; I would if I had any proficiency in C++. And of course, thanks for the patience.
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Hello, sorry to revive this topic but I meet a similar problem. All brushes from bundles are showing in "All brushes" area but I don’t have anymore any tag relative to the bundle. Is there a way to correct this - I suppose I can do it manually but well, if there is a solution…
Solved : after relaunching Krita it did not show but rebooting the PC fixed it. |
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